Joker Out feat. Kärtsä Nordic Tour Yöketju

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You're not wrong. But I might do the same after seeing the footage of B&K together to be fair. Not sure I'd be ok with it (and also I have described both of my greatest loves of my life as my "brothers" at some point of the relationship so yeah...).
oh my god.. obviously she was at tampere before any of the footage was out. You might not see it but J does such things with many men on stage. His partners have to be okay with it, an i think they are because he is straight. There's no threat. She also spent time with B in June and was probably invited to the party as it was the last show. You people think she just went there against everyone's wishes. Don't assume!
You're not wrong. But I might do the same after seeing the footage of B&K together to be fair. Not sure I'd be ok with it (and also I have described both of my greatest loves of my life as my "brothers" at some point of the relationship so yeah...).
This is so interesting. To me it seems that K and gf wanted to share this special day together. She wasn't there before so K had a lot of time to spend with JO.
oh my god.. obviously she was at tampere before any of the footage was out. You might not see it but J does such things with many men on stage. His partners have to be okay with it, an i think they are because he is straight. There's no threat. She also spent time with B in June and was probably invited to the party as it was the last show. You people think she just went there against everyone's wishes. Don't assume!
Obviously I was talking of previous footage. Even from ESC. And I did indeed say "I" wouldn't be ok with it. Not that she is not.
Ai sinäkö luulet, että tässä ketjussa on pidetty K:n ja B:n välistä poskipusua hui kauhiana? Äläs nyt siellä vääristele puolustaaksesi feikkaajaa.
Sä vaikutat olevan aivan tolaltasi pienestä pususta nyt kun gf onkin Tampereella mukana. Ota ihan iisisti, K ja gf on ollut yhdessä jo melkein vuoden eikä mikään ole K:n ja B:n väleissä muuttunut Loverpoolin jälkeen. Ystävyys on ystävyyttä vaikka toisella tai molemmilla olisi puolliso. :)
Kysymys onkin gf-suhteen laadusta ja tukahduttavuudesta, ei siitä, onko naista kuvioissa
No kukaan täällä ei tiedä suhteen laadusta. Ja jos K on kutsunut gf:n tonne niin se kyllä kertoo että luottaa tähän. Vai onko K nyt taas kauhea reppana joka ei uskalla sanoa mitään ja gf kauhea pahis joka ryntää paikalle? Kyllä Jerellä varmasti sen verran palleja on että ois sanonut jo adios jos näin olisi.
No kukaan täällä ei tiedä suhteen laadusta. Ja jos K on kutsunut gf:n tonne niin se kyllä kertoo että luottaa tähän. Vai onko K nyt taas kauhea reppana joka ei uskalla sanoa mitään ja gf kauhea pahis joka ryntää paikalle? Kyllä Jerellä varmasti sen verran palleja on että ois sanonut jo adios jos näin olisi.
Nimenomaan.. Nuo näyttivät rennoilta juhlilta. Ainoat joilla on ongelma asian kanssa ovat shippaajat. Todellisuus taas lensi päin näköä
