Jeesuksella oli perhe Maria Magdalenan kanssa

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja vierailija
  • Ensimmäinen viesti
Jatkona edelliseen, Maria oli nuori äiti.
While the Bible does not specifically state how old Mary was when Jesus was born, most Christian historians speculate that she was around 15—16 years of age at the time of Jesus’ birth. According to Jewish customs at the time, a young woman might become betrothed to a young man as early as 12 years of age, though the consummation of their marriage through ceremony and physical intimacy would not happen until they were legally married, many months or even years later.

Maria Magdalenan suhteen kannattaisi nykyisin pohtia, mikä sai kirkkoisät tiputtamaan Marian evankeliumin pois Raamattua kasattaessa? Olisko tähän asiantentevaa naisnäkökulmaa, @Echo ?
Samalla tavalla on nakeltu Marian ilmestyspäiviä miten sattuu
