Aikamoinen puutarha

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K: (dancing to mirror and camera)
B: Jere, you are not doing that again? Are you?
K: Are you!? (keep on dancing)
B: Haha. I mean really. Wasnt that last time enough? That's so ... So ...
K: So sexy? (makes sexy moves in front of B)
B: No!
K: So ... hot?
B: No, its stupid and ... Dirty.
K: Dirty?
B: You give these who knows people wrong signals and ideas, its like an invite to your personal life, to your bedroom! To our bedroom!
K: Its Only Fans, darling, relax, its not that serious! Hello! (tries to look at Bs face) Hey! Really, okey? Everything is fine.(takes Bs chin with his one hand) Look at me.
B: I don't want to.
K: (takes Bs face in his hands and looks at him close) Bojan.
B: But I don't like it. (looks at K)
K: Babe. Comeen. (gives B a little kiss)
B: You don't care that I don't like it?
K: I do. You mean everything to me. Everything. You know that. (touches Bs chin and cheeks) I love you, baby.
B: But then why ... You wanna do that?
K: Bojan, my sweet Bojan. Its for the fans, its business. Everyone is doing that. Its work. (kissis B and turns to mirror)
B: Its porn.
K: Its not porn. (smiles to mirror)
B: Last night, last night it was. You did it in our bedroom. Just after ... You know.
K: (turn back to B) I was in the mood! I just fucked my hot boyfriend and then you ...
B: I know!
K: (comes closer again) I'm really sorry, baby, if you felt that way. (takes Bs hands, kisses them and then hugs him). Maybe it was too much, you are right. I was just ... So.... I felt sexy. With you. You made me feel sexy and sure of myself.
B: Well, you can still use the voice. The horny voice.
K: The horny voice? (laughing and looks B with smile on his face)
B: Yes that. (smiles)
K: Uuuh mr Only Fans is dirty likes my horny voice!
B: Okey, okey! Don't get too excited.
K: Who? Me? Never! (laughing) Maybe ... We could do something together? (touches Bs nose with one finger) Me and you. People would go insane!
B: Noooo! What you think my mum says and dad! My granny!
K: They use Only Fans?
B: No but if they finds out ..
K: They won't. Leave everything to me. Next month. There will be huge suprise to my fans. And yours. Of course. Just wait and see! (slaps Bs ass)
B: (signes) Oh my...
