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Ei toki kuolaa, mutta kuumana pitämisestä voi työssä olla hyötyäkin. Niin kuin Vauvalla on joskus keskusteltu, että joidenkin mielestä esim. T.Ö.:n Kärtsä-kuvat ovat parempia kuin Mikken, koska T.Ö. pitää Kärtsää kuumana ja haluaa siten esittää hänet kuumana, siinä missä Mikkelle hän on velipoika.

Minulle Bojanin kuumuus tai ihanuus ei vähenisi lainkaan siitä, jos näkisin hänellä olevan vatsavaivoja, ihottumaa tai kännikiukuttelua tai mitä lie, samalla lailla kuin jos alkaisin seurustella jonkun viehättävän miehen kanssa, niin tottakai olettaisin hänellä olevan tuollaisia juttuja myös. Ainoa mikä minulle saisi Joksut vaikuttamaan vähemmän viehättäviltä olisi, jos heistä paljastuisi aidosti mulkkuja persoonallisuudenpiirteitä, eikä ainakaan kovin vahvoja tällaisia varmaankaan ole, kun niin hyvin tulevat toimeen keskenään pitkiäkin aikoja.
Tästäkin voi olla montaa mieltä, minä en pitänyt T.Ö:n kuvien tyylistä
Thread: Joker Out had a show in Celje the other day and I want to address some totally unacceptable events that took place in the queue outside the venue before the show. I want to address this in public because the victims deserve it and I want other fans to learn from this ->

-> experience. At this point we all know the band has international fans that travel to see their shows, and the people first in line in Celje was from Sweden, Italy and Finland. They were in line for hours, some even from 8 am. At around 5 pm it was a pretty long queue when ->
-> some girls/women from Slovenia arrived and they put themselves first in line. When confronted and asked to respect the queue and those who had queued for a long time, they refused to talk to us and they refused to move. Because we also refused to move, they eventually ->
-> screamed to us that we had no right to be there and that we should "fuck off". One of the slovenian girls then made a phone call, and an older man showed up first in line. He started pushing the international fans, over and over, so hard and aggressive that people fell. ->


> One swedish girl started to bleed because of his violence. He also touched the international fans closest to him a sexual way. Some girls started crying because they felt threatened. It was obvious he was there to make sure that we would leave. I went to get help from the
venue's staff at the backstage door, but they claimed they didn't understand english and took off. There was no other staff to be found. Then Niko showed up, and I told Niko there was violence in the queue and asked him to please bring out a guard. Niko said he couldn't help me and took off. Maybe he didn't understand how serious the situation was. This venue has 6 doors in glass at the entrance, and there was staff inside that saw us, but they did not react even though many called for help. In retrospect someone should have called 112 to get the police there and we should have reported this man to the police. I want to be very clear that there were several other slovenian fans in the queue that had no problem with the queue and they were all very nice to all of us.
So this is what happened, and I want other fans to learn from this experience. Violence and sexual assult is never ever acceptable, and it's especially bad when an older man does it to younger women. If this happens again in a future queue, call 112 and get the police there before it escalates. Also, as kind of icing on the cake, the venue didn't open the doors where the queue was (as promised), but the doors on the sides. So people from the back of the queue took the chance and ran, and got in first. So this venue did not impress me.

Tämä oli Safursey:n teksti 😔
Hän on ruotsalainen?
I've been thinking about this since I saw that post. I don't understand why these girls insist on queuing so early. It's totally unnecessary, I got there at 19:12 and the concert was scheduled to start at 8 and I could get in line 7 or so, but we went further back because it was so loud. This shows not many people showed up that early.

Of course, it is completely unacceptable to push, shove, touch etc. people waiting in front of the venue. Someone could have gotten hurt. They should have called the police.
I do have to say one thing though. Foreigners making up rules and expecting Balkan people to follow them in is never going to fly well. I know how this sounds and it doesn't justify shoving, pushing etc, but it's just not going to go well.

> One swedish girl started to bleed because of his violence. He also touched the international fans closest to him a sexual way. Some girls started crying because they felt threatened. It was obvious he was there to make sure that we would leave. I went to get help from the
venue's staff at the backstage door, but they claimed they didn't understand english and took off. There was no other staff to be found. Then Niko showed up, and I told Niko there was violence in the queue and asked him to please bring out a guard. Niko said he couldn't help me and took off. Maybe he didn't understand how serious the situation was. This venue has 6 doors in glass at the entrance, and there was staff inside that saw us, but they did not react even though many called for help. In retrospect someone should have called 112 to get the police there and we should have reported this man to the police. I want to be very clear that there were several other slovenian fans in the queue that had no problem with the queue and they were all very nice to all of us.
So this is what happened, and I want other fans to learn from this experience. Violence and sexual assult is never ever acceptable, and it's especially bad when an older man does it to younger women. If this happens again in a future queue, call 112 and get the police there before it escalates. Also, as kind of icing on the cake, the venue didn't open the doors where the queue was (as promised), but the doors on the sides. So people from the back of the queue took the chance and ran, and got in first. So this venue did not impress me.

Tämä oli Safursey:n teksti
Hän on ruotsalainen?
Kuulostaa kamalalta 😳😔
Nevermind on ne Kris ja bojankin näemmä studiolla ainakin olleet ainakin krisin hiuksista päätellen ihan vastikään
Tässähän Nacella on juuri se sama neule, joten Nacehan niissä eilisissä kuvissa oli. Eli oisko eiliseltä nämä?
Tosi hurjia ja kamalia nuo Celjen tapahtumat, jos meni niin kuin kuvauksessa. Jotenkin vähän kuitenkin kuulostaa minulle siltä, että olisiko voitu vähän liioitella asioita ja joku "veressä väkivallan takia ollut" tyttö on saanut jonkun pienen naarmun itseensä jne. En toki halua vähätellä jos jotain oikeasti kuvatunlaista on tapahtunut, on sekin mahdollista, mutta toivon että olisi kuitenkin vähän liioiteltu kuvaus.
I've been thinking about this since I saw that post. I don't understand why these girls insist on queuing so early. It's totally unnecessary, I got there at 19:12 and the concert was scheduled to start at 8 and I could get in line 7 or so, but we went further back because it was so loud. This shows not many people showed up that early.

Of course, it is completely unacceptable to push, shove, touch etc. people waiting in front of the venue. Someone could have gotten hurt. They should have called the police.
I do have to say one thing though. Foreigners making up rules and expecting Balkan people to follow them in is never going to fly well. I know how this sounds and it doesn't justify shoving, pushing etc, but it's just not going to go well.
Yeah I agree that pushing the queuing culture of other countries to Balkans and expecting the locals just to conform is a bit naive and arrogant, although hopefully things can be solved in a more peaceful manner in the future.
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Reactions: LadySLO:)
I've been thinking about this since I saw that post. I don't understand why these girls insist on queuing so early. It's totally unnecessary, I got there at 19:12 and the concert was scheduled to start at 8 and I could get in line 7 or so, but we went further back because it was so loud. This shows not many people showed up that early.

Of course, it is completely unacceptable to push, shove, touch etc. people waiting in front of the venue. Someone could have gotten hurt. They should have called the police.
I do have to say one thing though. Foreigners making up rules and expecting Balkan people to follow them in is never going to fly well. I know how this sounds and it doesn't justify shoving, pushing etc, but it's just not going to go well.
But wasn't that rudeness just totally unacceptable? I think there were no specific "rules" made up by foreign fans, just normal queuing in order, and nothing can justify being so rude towards the foreigners. I'm quite shocked how no-one helped the girls when they asked for help.
Yeah I agree that pushing the queuing culture of other countries to Balkans and expecting the locals just to conform is a bit naive and arrogant, although hopefully things can be solved in a more peaceful manner in the future.
Eihän ne voi tietää mikä jonotuskulttuuri just Sloveniassa on, en sanoisi että on ylimielistä millään muotoa. Mikä ongelma oikeasti oli että muutama ulkkis halusi eturiviin, ei niitä kai kovin monta ollut. Uhrien syyllistämisen makua vähän näissä jutuissa nyt täällä.
But wasn't that rudeness just totally unacceptable? I think there were no specific "rules" made up by foreign fans, just normal queuing in order, and nothing can justify being so rude towards the foreigners. I'm quite shocked how no-one helped the girls when they asked for help.
Yes rudeness is unacceptable. When I got there, there was NO queue at all, just a group of people standing on the stairs outside.
If they tried to enforce some numbers or something,I can easily see how that could annoy some people. The original poster doesnt mention numbers, but we dont know for sure if they did or not - only that at most gigs abroad someone did do the numbers.
