Very clever answer from BOf course hardly any Balkan interview can go on without asking at least one awkward personal question.
The guy wanted to ask if they are single or not, but went about it really awkwardly.
He asks about fans and their "proposals", it's hard to translate this, but he kind of asks if that "road" is busy (road as the line of communication that is used for these "proposals" from the fans)... B busts out laughing at the way the guy says it (I'm curious how JOsubs will translate this - I'd have to think about it hard how to word this nicely and not lose its funny meaning) and says that "yes, it's very busy. It's "Autohbahn". Nace agrees, Jan adds "Rush hour"
The guy asks: "Is there a rest stop on this Autobahn?"
LOL you have to love these Balkan interviewers, they don't give up )
B: I'm not 100% sure what you're getting at?
The interviewer: Well I'm referring to these love.....(doesn't finish the sentence)
B: Ah yes! Well, I think we're still waiting for Ausfahrt from Autobahn.
For those who don't speak German: Autobahn is the freeway, and Ausfahrt is the exit from the freeway.