Rieputarallaa: miksi et karkottaisi raiskaavia ulkomaalaisia?

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja ???
  • Ensimmäinen viesti
Kuulisin mielelläni ns. suvaitsevaiston kommentteja noihin Ruotsin muslimiongelmiin.

Tässä norjalaisen Fjordmanin blogimerkintä ruotsalaisesta monikulttuurisuudesta ja demokratian alasajosta. Aika hyvä kuvaelma siitä, mitä poliittinen eliitti propagoi ja mitä meanwhile todellisuus on:

Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson, surrounded by a dozen body guards, took part in the May Day demonstrations in the city of Malmö. "It is a splendid celebration, a manifestation of freedom and security", Persson says. Meanwhile, a couple of blocks from there, a handicapped man is beaten to the ground by a group of thugs. The victim was about to demonstrate under the slogan "Welfare is most important". Now he is kicked in the face and the chest. When two of the assailants are finally taken into police custody, the man is terrified and suffering from severe pains. "This is one of Sweden's finest meeting places," says the Prime Minister as he enters the platform after listening to Socialist anthem The Internationale. "In a Malmö I love. Sweden's face to the world." Persson doesn't notice that the police are taking action against a neo-Nazi counterdemonstration nearby. "Open to the winds of the world lies my fair country," says Persson. "There is no greater freedom than security. A society with clean air, clean water and safe people, open to the world.". It's 3.3o pm and a police patrol is cutting down a doll resembling a politician being hanged, carrying a photo of Malmö's Mayor Ilmar Reepalu. The Prime Minister has just promised improved dental care for young people, and concludes: "Look up! The fabulous fact is that the sun is breaking through." The police and the fire department get an alarm. The Örtagård school in Rosengård, an area of Malmö with close to 100 % Muslim immigrants, is burning yet again. Several police patrols are called out. But Prime Minister Persson has already been escorted by special security police into his bulletproof Volvo, on his way back to the Cabinet's private jet and out of Malmö.

koko teksti:

Fjordman: Is Swedish Democracy Collapsing?
Siis miksi et? Oletko lukenut blogia vai perustatko käsityksesi Helsingin Sanomien uutisointiin?

Fjordman on erittäin fiksu, norjalainen blogisti. Jos lukisit, voisit hämmästyä.

Niin, mikä sinun kommentti on tuohon kyseiseen bloggaukseen? Että pääministeri puhuu vappupuheissa monikulttuurin ihanuudesta, samalla kun nämä rikastajat polttavat kouluja ja hirttävät kaupunginjohtajaa esittävän nuken jne. Sen jälkeen pääministeri nopeasti poistuu kaupungista luodinkestävässä Volvossaan.
