Maailmanlaajuinen illuminati on totta.

Mutta jos muurarit ja muut looshit on niin harmittomia, niin mikseivät voisi julkaista livekuvaa vaikka heidän 33.asteen seremonioista? :) Kristillisten seurakuntien kokouksia kuvataan ja lähetetään tv:ssä, ei niissä ole mitään salattavaa.
Argumenttina todella paska. Tuota voi verrata melkein mihin vaan. Ovatko lääkärit vaarallisia salaliiton jäseniä? Jos ei, niin miksi et halua omaa lääkärikäyntiäsi televisioitavan? Tai avantouintiseuran saunailtaa?
Mutta jos muurarit ja muut looshit on niin harmittomia, niin mikseivät voisi julkaista livekuvaa vaikka heidän 33.asteen seremonioista? :) Kristillisten seurakuntien kokouksia kuvataan ja lähetetään tv:ssä, ei niissä ole mitään salattavaa.
Jos teillä kotona on niin harmitonta, niin miksi et voi julkaista livekuvaa vaikka teidän iltarukoilusta tai päivän puuhista? Vai onko sulla jotain salattavaa?
Heheh, tää meni jo asteen scifimmäksi. :D

Mutta tuohon en usko. Mä uskon ajan lineaarisuuteen, ja että aika on sama joka puolella universumia, ilman mustien aukkojen vääristymiä. Se mikä on tapahtunut on tapahtunut eikä sitä hetkeä saa koskaan kukaan takaisin.

Jos joku pystyisi matkaamaan ajassa taaksepäin ja hölisemään sen aikakauden ihmisille, niin hän samalla vaikuttaisi silloiseen kulttuuriin eikä se olisi enää pelkkää turismia.

Sitä mä ihmettelen että miksi tuo tyyppi ei kertonut konkreettisia ehdotuksia vaikka sairauksien poistamiseen, uusien teknologisten vempaimien tekemiseen ja ekologiseen elämiseen, vaan antaa meidän kärvistellä syövän ja muiden kanssa? Tuo kuulosti joltain new age -tyypin "edessä loistava tulevaisuus"-haavekuvalta.
Jos teillä kotona on niin harmitonta, niin miksi et voi julkaista livekuvaa vaikka teidän iltarukoilusta tai päivän puuhista? Vai onko sulla jotain salattavaa?
En mä Kaksplussalle niitä meidän kotivideoita laittelis kun yritän edes jonkinmoisen anonyymiyden säilyttää, mutta jos joku IRL haluaa meidän tylsiä kotivideoita katsoa nii siitä vaan. :D

Seksivideoita tai suihkussakäyntejä en tietty kellekään näyttäisi (no ei olla semmoisia kuvattukaan), mutta jos oletus on että muurarit on ihan tavis veljesseura niin eihän heillä semmoista materiaalia pitäisi löytyäkään. ;)
yks kyssäri kaikille oletteko olleet koskaan rakastuneita ja mitä tunsitte? tuntuuko ilmavalta ja no taivaalliselta? pelottaako silloin? no jos ei ni miks sellaista olotilaa ei loisi itselleen pysyväksi? tuleeko teille mieleen tälläisiä sanoja kuin vääräuskoinen tai muuta negatiivista?mieleen rakastuneena? vai kuuluuko sellainen vihan tunteeseen? joka itsestäkin tuntuu pahalta eli helvetilliseltä?. sitten on oikeita todellisia juttuja kun joku lyö tai muuten vahingoittaa toista niin aivan oikein rangaistaan toista!. mutta ennakoivasti jo lajitellaan uskonnon ulkonäön tai tasa arvon puolesta onhan se harhaa?. jos lähtö kohta on harha näitä ryhmiä kohtaan on se hulluutta? koska harva ihminen elää sata prossaa kirjan mukaan eikö?. tuolla näyttää olevan twerkkaukset tweetit facet ja naset selfiet belfiet u name it?. kyllä ne on uskonnot pienemässä.
Argumenttina todella paska. Tuota voi verrata melkein mihin vaan. Ovatko lääkärit vaarallisia salaliiton jäseniä? Jos ei, niin miksi et halua omaa lääkärikäyntiäsi televisioitavan? Tai avantouintiseuran saunailtaa?
No aika shittiä on tuo sunkin argumentti. :D

Eli kuten edellisessä viestissä mainitsin, niin eihän vapsuilla/illuminaateilla pitäisikään seremonioissaan olla paljasta pintaa (vrt.lääkärikäynti), seksivideoita tai sairaita rituaaleja, joten jos heitä jo monet ihmiset syyttävät noista, niin mikseivät voi julkistaa seremonioitaan?
sit viellä ihmettelinkin. Miksi paavit ja papit nukkuvat palatseissa kun jeesus nukkui köyhäin majassa? pappien ja paavin ja muidenkin imaamien jnee jnee tulisi asettua aina heikoimman osaan ja tuoda heidän äänensä mitään lisäilemättä ni ei hämärry se totuus?
No aika shittiä on tuo sunkin argumentti. :D

Eli kuten edellisessä viestissä mainitsin, niin eihän vapsuilla/illuminaateilla pitäisikään seremonioissaan olla paljasta pintaa (vrt.lääkärikäynti), seksivideoita tai sairaita rituaaleja, joten jos heitä jo monet ihmiset syyttävät noista, niin mikseivät voi julkistaa seremonioitaan?
Uskovaisilla on aina paljas pinta ja seksi mielessä. Yhtä hyvin olisin voinut laittaa tuohon psykologi, olisit ehkä ymmärtänyt pointin paremmin.
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Uskovaisilla on aina paljas pinta ja seksi mielessä. Yhtä hyvin olisin voinut laittaa tuohon psykologi, olisit ehkä ymmärtänyt pointin paremmin.

Nyt on kyse liittymisseremonioista ja kokousseremonioista.
Jos verrataan esim.vapaakirkon ja helluntailaisten kaste- eli seurakuntaanliittämisseremoniaan, niin niitä on videoitu ja näytetty julkisesti.

Kuka tahansa voi myös poimia paikallislehtien ilmoitteluista vaikka kuinka voimakkaat kristilliset hihhuliseurat ja voi mennä paikan päälle katsomaan, ne eivät ole salaisia.

Eri asia on puoluekokoukset ja poliitikkojen neuvonpidot suljettujen ovien takana, tai -kuten sanoit- psykologi-istunnot. Poliittisissa jutuissa on välillä pakko sopia ensin yhteinen kanta ensin joka esitellään kansalle, ja psykologikäyntien asiat kuuluu ihmisen yksityisyyteen.

Mutta kyse on seremonioista. Niissä ei pitäisi olla salaisuuksia, eihän joku tohtorikaronkkakaan ole semmoinen.
Ja jos niissä illujen seremonioissa kuten Bohemian Grovessa on uhrattu ja hyväksikäytetty nuoria tai lapsia, niin kyse ei ole todellakaan ole jostain "voivoi kun uskovaiset on kiinnostuneita seksiasioista."
Välittää saa ja ehkä pitääkin mutta ei sekään pelasta.
Mitä väliä sit Usa:n tai EU:n kansalaisilla on esim.äänestää, jos lopputulos on jo selvä? Missä demokratia? Jos jotkut kaaokset ja kriisit on ennalta laadittuja, niin miksi uskoa poliitikkoja?

Oli aika karmivaa lukea kun tuo nainen kuvasi joidenkin journalistien (?) naureskelua "taas me jymäytettiin kansaa."
Viimeksi muokattu:
Siinä Usa:n johtoportaan kuvausta. Tähän linkkiin en 100 %:sesti luota, mutta puhuvatko nuo kaikki ex-työntekijät kuitenkaan ihan puppua?

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Last week, "Mary Anne," an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, said she had recovered many new memories since our first interview Sept. 21, 2008.

She agreed to let me interview her again. Since I no longer have an Internet radio show, it was not taped. Her recollections are outrageous. I cannot authenticate them. I simply pass them on to you for consideration.

They are repugnant and very hard to believe. They could be lies. She describes herself as having "multiple personalities" and one might be playing games with her.

On the other hand, her recollections are consistent with reports from Svali,Sue Ford and Cathy O'Brien.

Mary Anne said she was feeling bitterness, resentment and hatred for Janet Reno. She had served as her sex slave and had been abused on many occasions in Reno's office at the White House and at a retreat in a "heavily wooded" part of Virginia.

"She called me 'Pet"", Mary Anne recalled. "I was her property at that point in time."

Mary Anne had been present in the White House with Reno and Madelaine Albright when they dismembered a male child. He was stabbed in the heart and they watched him bleed to death.

She had been present at the Virginia retreat when a defiant "high level" FBI agent had been sacrificed. FBI Diirector Louis Freeh, Janet Reno and about 40 other people had participated in the ritual.

She had recovered memories of Henry Kissinger who "controlled me through most of my childhood." Kids "were delivered to the White House." Kissinger was "so violent and rough that towels were needed to clean them up."

Both Kissinger and Nixon had sexually violated her as a three-year-old in a conference room at the White House. Kissinger engaged in anal and vaginal sex with boys and girls; Nixon only vaginal.

"I have seen every sexual combination imaginable," she said.

These activities made Illuminati members blackmail-able and enforced group solidarity. As members of the Illuminati order, they felt superior to all and beyond the rule of law. They had a sense of entitlement. They had been selected from an early age and had "paid their dues."

Mary Anne said Jon Benet Ramsay was murdered in 1996, at age six, because she had overheard things that could not be repeated. Her Illuminati father had been loaning her out to his friends. Her mother tried to defend her and had to be sedated.

Mary Anne claims she was present when Vince Foster was murdered in July 1993. She says Hillary Clinton and Foster were "having a screaming match verging on a brawl" in his office at the White House. He had threatened to expose her Whitewater dealings. A Secret Service agent "raised his gun and shot him point blank."

She claims that Queen Elizabeth wanted her to assassinate Diana and that she was "horsewhipped" for refusing. She claims Princes Charles and William were in on it. She describes Queen Elizabeth as the "instigator" and a foul mouthed "piece of work."

She said she had been trained as an assassin and had committed two killings.

She claims W's brother, Neil Bush, runs a child slavery ring in the USA.

I asked Mary Anne to list the activities the Illuminati engage in. Here it is: Bestiality; sodomy; necrophilia; incest; wife swapping; child porn (they make it; real source of Hefner, Flynt, Polanski fortunes is children, not adults); snuff films; sex orgies; force children to have sex with farm animals & family pets; ritual murder and human sacrifice. Then, there is organized crime: drugs, prostitution, guns etc.


Eventually Mary Anne refused to serve and asked to be killed. For some reason, they let her go. She found Christ and that has been a source of strength.

Whether or not we accept the above as true, I believe a satanic cult, the Illuminati, does control the world and we are all being initiated into it unwittingly. What they call "social change" (or in the case of Obama, just "Change") is in fact social engineering and mind control. What they call "progress," is progress only if you are a Satanist and believe in the Luciferian Dispensation i.e. the New World Order.

Education and the mass media are a big part of this stealth indoctrination. The mass media includes music, video games, TV and cinema. For example, a reader pointed out that corpses and body parts figure prominently on TV now. Obviously we are being desensitized.

As I have said, the first responsibility of government is to prevent a fanatical secret cult have taking control of society. It has failed.

Gloomy as the outlook is, at least you and I are awake and able to protect ourselves and our families. - See more at:
Näin Briteissä. Ehkä?

Satanist Pedophiles Rule Great Britain
November 25, 2012

(l. Jimmy Savil & a younger Tony Blair)
Cabalist (Masonic) bankers have empowered a class of perverts they control through blackmail. Cabalism is Satanism. Mankind has fallen under satanic domination and is unable to discern the difference.
by David Richards
David Richards, 24, a Brit who teaches English in Mongolia, is a regular contributor.)
Pedophilia is common practice in the British establishment.
This is difficult for the British public to believe. At our level, pedophilia is a crime heavily punished by the law and condemned by the mainstream media.
However, Illuminati members are above the law and partake in pedophile rings without fear of prosecution.
The Illuminati operate pedophile rings for three main reasons:
1. Most members of the cult have a psychopathic and sadomasochistic psychological make-up, and therefore have perverted sexual desires.
2. Pedophile rings operate as a system of blackmail, enforcing conformity to the NWO. All members of the establishment are vetted by security services. Hidden cameras are placed at child sex parties to gather incriminating material.
3. Perversion is the way Satanists worship. Just as a Christian might perform works of charity, the Satanist will prey on children.
The following cases prove the existence of establishment pedophile rings in Britain.

1) Gordon Brown - English journalist Mike James claims former Prime Minister Brown is a well-known pedophile. James worked in the mainstream media and was first told of Brown's perversions by Norman Lamont (Chancellor of the Exchequer 1990-93) at a private party in 1986.
He later did his own research into the man, and wrote in 2010: "Gordon Brown, the current British prime minister, is a practicing pedophile whose activities are known not only to the British, American and Israeli intelligence services, but also by Rupert Murdoch and his senior editor at the Sunday Times."
The fact that intelligence services have dirt on Brown means he is controlled. He can be blackmailed at a moment's notice. Brown became Prime Minister because of his perversions, not in spite of them.

Mike James places Brown as a member of a ring of senior British pedophiles, including Lord Robertson and Lord Peter Mandelson. All of them are major members of Masonic lodges.

2) Thatcher Pedo Ring - It has been revealed that a pedophile ring operated within the Thatcher government (1979-90).
In the 80s a teenage rent boy went to the police claiming he and other boys were sexually abused by top people.
The parties were held by millionaires and attended by British politicians, judges, senior civil servants and members of the European elite. Some of the VIPs were said to have flown in via RAF (Royal Air Force) Northolt on the outskirts of London.
This case has been revealed by the disgruntled former policeman who interviewed the rent boy. He says when he began to investigate the claims, his superior demanded the case was closed.
"It was a case of 'get rid of everything, never say a word to anyone'. It was made very clear to me that to continue asking questions would jeopardise my career."

3) Sir Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) - for over 40 years Savile presented TV shows aimed at young people.
In recent months he has been exposed as a violent pedophile who abused children over a period of four decades.
With each passing day more people come forward to testify against the dead presenter. Police are currently processing the testimonies of hundreds of victims.
The details are astounding: he abused children who appeared on his television programs, organized pedophile parties with other entertainment stars, and molested sick children in hospitals. A former BBC radio DJ claims he was also a necrophiliac.
However, the most damning reports - and least commented on in the mainstream- are those which reveal Savile took part in establishment pedophile rings.
In 2011, the News of the World newspaper reported that 'Savile is known for supplying a number of high profile MP's with children for them to sexually abuse.'

The article revealed Savile was a regularly visitor to the notorious Haut de la Gaurenne care home in Jersey in the 70s, and was witnessed taking young boys onboard the yacht of former British Prime Minister Ted Heath.
Ex-Jersey deputy police Chief Lenny Harper explains how children were abused on the island:
"We know from court cases and statements made to my team [during a 2008 inquiry] that children in Jersey care homes were 'loaned out' to members of the yachting fraternity and other prominent citizens on the pretence of recreational trips but during which they were savagely abused and often raped. When these children complained, they were beaten and locked in cellars [at Haut de la Garenne]."
Allegations circled around Savile for decades, but due to his establishment connections he was protected. In 1990, the Queen honoured Savile with a knighthood (Member of the Order of the British Empire).
The revelations have only emerged now because Savile died last year and can no longer be protected by libel laws.

4. Ted Heath - the British prime Minister (1970-74) was a well-known sexual degenerate and pedophile.
On Heath's pedophilia, T Stokes writes:
"He would regularly take boys from certain care homes away on his boat for weekends. His sheets had to be perfectly white, clean ironed and perfumed, Heaths obsession with this made the boats name 'morning cloud' the subject of many in house jokes, nevertheless he was seriously warned 4 times by the police for hanging around public toilets, special branch had to appoint a man especially to protect him.
The name 'Mr. Eddy' was well known on Hampstead Heath and the boys home nearby in the seventies."
It seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, that British PM's are pedos!

(left. Blair & Pope Benedict exchange Masonic handshake.)
5. Tony Blair -Prime Minister Blair ordered a D-Notice, the draconian British law that prohibits the press from talking about certain 'national security cases', to protect pedophiles working in his administration.
In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and pedophiles run by Britain's National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulting in thousands of names of suspected pedophiles.
The problem? The names of powerful people in government kept cropping up. Former NSA analyst Wayne Madsen reported:
"In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair's government.
Police also discovered links between British Labour government pedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal (including young boys from the Casa Pia orphanage in Portugal)."
To hide the scandal, Blair issued a D-Notice, resulting in a gag order on the press from publishing any details of the investigation. This allowed his buddies to be discharged without public outcry.

6. Ben Fellows' Testimony - The British entertainment industry is crawling with pedophiles, says Ben Fellows, a former child actor who worked in theatre productions and TV.
"I ran a gauntlet of pedophiles - both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots."
During productions, staff would warn him to stay away from certain actors who were known to be pedophiles. He was in danger when he ran into them backstage.
He gives an example: "I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane - and this actor was extremely famous. I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old... so I didn't."
His testimony is full of shocking detail. On one occasion he was seduced by a female BBC producer who regularly had sex with teenage boys. On another he was molested by cabinet minister Ken Clarke MP, who gave him alcohol and groped his penis through his trousers.
Fellows says he knows child actors who committed suicide because of the abuse they suffered. However, abuse by homosexuals somehow doesn't come under "bullying."
Musta tuntuu, että joillain ihmistyypeillä on vaan suurempi tarve uskoa johonkin "suurempaan". Löytää selityksiä elämän raadollisuudelle ja maailman julmuudelle. Sitä näkee halutessaan merkkejä ja selityksiä "mahtavammasta" vaikkapa juuri paahtoleivässä.
vierailijajoopas jeps
Kun väität että nämä "salaseurat" käyttää lapsia hyväkseen ja muuta hömppää, oletko unohtanut miten kirkon uskovaisten pappien taholta käytetään jopa poikalapsia hyväksi. Paljon paljon löytyy juttua vaikken linkkejä nyt osaakaan niistä laittaa. Vatikaanista lähtien uskovaiset kirkonmiehet hymistelevät lapsien hyväksikäyttäjiä ja hiljaa vaijetaan hyväksyen, yäk!

Ja tosiaan, nämä vapaamuurarit ovat ihan kirkon jäseniä, Jumalaan omalla tavallan uskovia normaalijärjellä varustettuja ihmisiä. Minun silmissäni hihhulit ovat ihan joitain muita uskislahkolaisia...
