Kuukautiskupin käyttäjä säästää useita satoja euroja

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja vieras
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Alkuperäinen kirjoittaja Chala:
Kävisköhän hormonikierukan kanssa samoin.. Se olis seuraavana listalla. Olis niin kiva syödä pillereitä vaikka aina 3 levyä putkeen, mutta ei ole vaan yhdistelmäpilsut sovi mitenkään päin meikäläiselle :(
Mulla kävi. :) Onneks en ehtiny ostaa kuukuppia, monet sitä kehui ja aattelin kokeilla, mutta hormonikierukka vei menkat täysin pois. Ollut nyt 2v eikä tosiaan tipan tippaa tule. Nautin =)
Charges: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bdws6y4VBI Stand driving your own items and/or support http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bdws6y4VBI As well as gone to one of these simple shops the spot that the explanation associated with customer satisfaction is, "we'll attempt to diamond ring you way up as soon as ones ready to acquire of course, if you need to appear we are going to hover in excess of you want some sort of vulture until finally most of us eventually acquire a chance to response the question after which it we'll read off of the indication or maybe facts 3d stickers in regards to the solution for you as if that is our own purpose. Once you do want support, it may take a person 10 a few minutes or more to get someone else's focus. Then once we get the buy, we'll likely must telephone a director to come more than along with assist the sales rep using the point-of-sale method.
