Koraania vääristelty terroristien hyväksi

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja vierailija
  • Ensimmäinen viesti
Todelliset muslimit tuntevat kirjoituksensa ja tietävät mitä Koraani sanoo Israelista. Palestiinalaiset on aivopesty mm. väärällä opilla ja tietämättömyydellä. Ja niin näyttää länsimaidenkin pro-palestiina-väki olevan autuaan tietämätön a) alueen historiasta b) alueen todellisuudesta c) Israelin arkielämästä joka mahdollistaa noin 2 miljoonan arabin asua rauhassa juutalaisvaltiossa täysin kansalaisoikeuksin.

Mutta palataanpa Koraaniin. Sorry, kaikki englanniksi.

"Islam Supports Israel’s Right of Existence

It is mandatory upon all Muslims to support Israel and her right to exist in the holy land because the holy book of Islam, the Quran supports Israel. There are many verses in the Quran which support the divine right of Jews on the land of Israel but I want to quote only three to justify the right of the existence of Israel. The first verse of the Holy Quran stipulates:

“And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land” (Quran: 17:104)

and the second orders the people of Bane-Israel to enter the Holy-Land:

“O my people (the Jews)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you”, (Quran: 5:21)

in the third verse, Allah Almighty order the children of Israel to scatter and says:

“And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, ‘scatter and live all over the world… and when the end of the world is near we will gather you again into the Promised Land” (Quran:17:104)

The above-cited Quranic verses are a solid proof that this land was divinely given to the people of Israel and Muslims have no religious or historical claim to possess this land. There are many religious Islamic scholars and secular Muslim modernists who not only showed their full support to Israel but proved through writing that Israelis have a historical and divine right to exist in the Promised Land. The land was promised to the Bane-Israel in the holy Torah and in the holy Quran respectively".

(Noor Dahri, the Founder and Executive Director of Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism)
