Englannin kielinen onnitteluvärssy hääkorttiin

Keijumetsän Lilja
Congratulations on your marriage,
Have a wonderful life!
You are two terrific people,
Now teamed as man and wife.

A team with blessings like yours
Will live a life you'll cherish;
You'll find happiness everywhere,
For your love will never perish.

Alla olevalta sivustolta löysin. Siellä on lisää, jos kiinnostaa.

Löysin kanssa hauskoja lainauksia:
Love is not a ballad on the top ten chart
Love is not a virus from cupid's dart
Love is not a promise that you tear apart
Love is a commitment heart to heart

Love is not a matter of time and space
Love is not a flower in a golden vase
Love is not a fantasy in silk and lace
Love is a commitment face to face

Love is not a fire like a burning coal
Love is not a high that you can't control
Love is not a moon and a midnight stroll
Love is a commitment soul to soul

Love can be a blessing or full of strife
Love burns like a kiss cuts like a knife
Love goes far beyond a man and wife
Love is a commitment life to life
