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Lauantain liput menivät muutamassa minuutissa. Olin toivonut saavani paikan permannolta, mutta se oli myyty loppuun siinä vaiheessa kun pääsin myyntisivulle. Ja olin todellakin asialla tasan klo 10. Yläparvelle sain paikat.
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Pyöreät ja hyvät on kyllä pakarat Kärtsällä, pakko sanoa! huhhahhei... Kukahan tuon videon on kuvannut? Toivottavasti ei Mikke sentään. Vaikka onhan sillä Kärtsällä jo valmiiksi hyvin omanlaisensa käsitys veljeydestä, joten mistäs tuon tietää.
Täytyy sanoa että vähän ihmetyttää tämä pakaroiden hehkutus. Mä näen tämän kärtsän toiminnan edelleen vähän kyseenalaisena muutenkin. Toivottavasti Boitsu pysyy poissa of sta.
Hey Joymuffin, if you're still reading, have the best of time Tomorrow ion your yet another Balkan experience. :D I'm looking forward to your report.
Btw on Twitter I see a few Macedonian fans are making signs asking B to sing a song by Toše Proeski. I think they're hoping for a similar encore than in Belgrade. :) Toše was a Macedonian singer, great "velvet" voice, super sweet guy and very charismatic, like B. Sadly he died in a car crash. He also sang in Serbian and Slovenian. Here's a song he did in Slovenian..
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Hey Joymuffin, if you're still reading, have the best of time Tomorrow ion your yet another Balkan experience. I'm looking forward to your report.
Btw I see a few Macedonian fans are making signs asking B to sing a song by Toše Proeski. I think they're hoping for a similar encore than in Belgrade. Toše was a Macedonian singer, great "velvet" voice and very charismatic, like B. Sadly he died in a car crash. He also sang in Serbian and Slovenian. Here's a song he did in Slovenian..
Thanks! I don't have a lot of other life so I'm usually here. :) Do you think Bojan could actually sing one of this guy's songs spontaneously? I'm also curious how hard it is for other Slavic folks to sing in Slovenian, is it easy to make it sound good or do you hear a lot of accent?

TBH I wonder if there's going to be any encore with the gig being less than 1 hour, though I wouldn't be super salty to miss out on a second SSOL. :D

- Joymuffin
I wanted early entrance tickets (without age restriction) but did not manage to get them for either show. Now I have adult ticket with a seat for both shows. Can’t take my daughter 🙄 but at least I see Joker Out 😂🤩🥳
Thanks! I don't have a lot of other life so I'm usually here. Do you think Bojan could actually sing one of this guy's songs spontaneously? I'm also curious how hard it is for other Slavic folks to sing in Slovenian, is it easy to make it sound good or do you hear a lot of accent?

TBH I wonder if there's going to be any encore with the gig being less than 1 hour, though I wouldn't be super salty to miss out on a second SSOL.

- Joymuffin
Ah yes, I forgot that it's a Shorter gig! Probably no encore, yeah.
Toše was huge in Macedonia (and very popular in Slovenia too), but I'm not sure how much is B familiar with his music. He definitely knows it, I have no doubt, but... the fans would love it though, I'm sure.

That's a good question about the accent. Not sure about Macedonian accent when speaking Serbian, but usually, it's really hard to get rid of Serbian/Croatian etc accent when speaking Slovenian. I know many people from there who have lived in Slovenia for ages and they speak it very well but there's still an accent. But Toše must have been some kind of linguistic talent (like B! :)) because you can barely hear his accent in this song, there's one little section in the chorus where I can hear it a little bit but otherwise, it's perfect. I remember when this song came out on the radio, I didn't believe it was Toše because the pronunciation is so perfect!
Btw I'm really looking forward to seeing clips from JO's Italian gigs - I wonder if the crowd will also be singing so much, as Italians are known for being a bit "resistant" to other languages. But maybe younger generations are different.
Kiitos kommenteista ficciin. :) En tiedä oltiinko AO3:ssa jotenkin tosi tyytymättömiä tuohon lukuun, koska joihinkin lukuihin olen saanut kymmenkunta kommenttia muutamassa tunnissa ja tälle tullut vasta kolme.

Tähdenlentoficci näemmä pitkästä aikaa jatkunut ja tykkään kyllä tuosta, kun se on niin hyvin kirjoitettu.

- Joymuffin
Vielä lukematta täällä! Säästän sopivaan hetkeen!
Btw I'm really looking forward to seeing clips from JO's Italian gigs - I wonder if the crowd will also be singing so much, as Italians are known for being a bit "resistant" to other languages. But maybe younger generations are different.
Yes, yes, the new generations are much more interested in knowing foreign languages. Italy is multicultural, in my daughter's class there are very few children born to Italian parents. My daughter studies English and Spanish at school, with duolingo she is studying French and, from a Chinese schoolmate, she is learning a few Chinese words and she is only 12 years old. The new generations are much more informed about everything. Then the energy and joy that the audience brings to the concerts makes everything very cheerful and festive. Made in Italy
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Tuleeko Joymuffinilta väliraporttia päivällä, jos saat juostua B:n paneelin jälkeen kiinni? Mulla on vähän kiireinen päivä luvassa, mutta täytyy siinä tapauksessa käydä täällä silti vilkuilemassa :D
Tuleeko Joymuffinilta väliraporttia päivällä, jos saat juostua B:n paneelin jälkeen kiinni? Mulla on vähän kiireinen päivä luvassa, mutta täytyy siinä tapauksessa käydä täällä silti vilkuilemassa
Yritän, oletan että konferenssissa on wifi ja että majapaikan wifi toimii, koska minulla ei todennäköisesti taaskaan ole toimivaa mobiilinettiä. :) Bussissakin pitäisi olla netti tällä kertaa- (Viimeksihän hotellin wifi oli rikki, mutta löysin jonkin avoimen randomverkon joka toimi.)

- Joymuffin
