
  • Viestiketjun aloittaja vierailija
  • Ensimmäinen viesti
Jance on niin ihana kombo. Tää on hiukan vaikeaa, koska näen heidät silti vain läheisinä kavereina, jotka uskaltaa osoittaa hellyyttä toisilleen, mut Janin ja Bojanin välillä taas näen selvän latauksen. Mun mielipide.
Se artikkeli sopii myös hyvin tapaus Käärijään&Bojaniin. Halutaan nähdä poikarakkautta tai queerbaitingia, vaikka kyse on kahden hyvän ystävän toilailuista ja ihanista väleistä.
That tumblr text was on point, in my opinion. JO are pushing boundaries (at least here in Slo) and it's in a good way. It's not only their closeness, it's also, for example, the clothes with lace they wear. I dont recall ever any male Slo musician wear lace on their clothing, always just women, it's always been so feminine! It's awesome that they do, not only for the heritage aspect, but also showing (other men) what masculinity can be.
Same with their closeness. In my opinion, they're not serving fans (well B maybe sometimes), I think they (in particular Jan and Nace) are just close like brothers. That being said, they know people, or should I say, men (from the region) in the comment section will label them as queer or whatever and they don't care. This is refreshing.
