Aikamoinen puutarha

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja vierailija
  • Ensimmäinen viesti
I want to thank everyone too. I never thought I would feel so welcome by people who live in a country so far from where I live (we even have different time zones). And it was wonderful to have this connection of ideas, it was wonderful to find a new sweet friend (Sicily). Sometimes some things remain difficult for me to understand (the translator doesn't work miracles), but the connection and passion are conveyed well. And to think that in Europe they say that Finns are very reserved and "cold" people. I am happy to have discovered that this is not the case, I found sincere and open people and I spent pleasant time here with you. With much love Made in Italy.
We are not reserved or cold. Must be the swedes that spread these rumours. (This was a joke.)

I started learning italian in duolingo earlier this year and sometimes when you answer its in italian and i'm happy that i know a word here or there. I should have studied harder but something got in the way. Something like K and B. Happy new year to you too!
Nyt meinas lentää toosa ikkunasta. Chromecast lagas täysin. Apua nyt äkkiä koneelle.
Mulla tippui puhelin lavuaariin, ja alkoi järkyttävän kohinan 😳 Sammutin ja käynnistin uudelleen ja nyt toimii. Otin kyllä läppärin käyttöön (en omista tv:tä), ja siinä ei meinannut Areena käynnistyä (selaimessa!) ja lopuksi vielä äänen symboli ei tullut esille!! Meitä koetellaan!
