Joker Out feat. Kärtsä Nordic Tour Yöketju

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Mä niin haluun uskoa, että Kris laittoi sen upean asunsa Stožiceen Jeren heittäytymisestä ja rohkeudesta ammentaneena - jonkun tylsemmän turvavaihtoehdon, joka ehkä oli olemassa, sijaan. Oli miten oli, Kris on sexy.
Kyllä se varmaan oli ihan vaan sen suunnittelijan näkemys esiintymisasuista, eikä kris itse erityisesti vaikuttanut asiaan. Mutta kris oli kyllä upea ilmestys!
Harmittaa kun joku oli tehnyt tuosta dialogista täydennetyn version, joka ei siis ollut pelkkää dialogia ja oli ihan lihaa luidenkin päällä siinä fikissä, mutta ilmeisesti se ehti poistua jo, koska kirjoittaja ei ollut pyytänyt lupaa tuon dialogin uusiokäyttöön. Ymmärrettävää ja silti harmittaa, koska se versio oli mun mielestä paljon parempi.
Mä kans onneks kerkesin lukemaan sen ennen poistoa ja oli kyl tosiaan paljon parempi.
Yes, it was probably just the designer's view of performance outfits, and kris himself did not particularly influence the matter. But kris was a wonderful revelation!
If you check this IG and its last post (not story), you'll see the Sketches for JO's clothes. Super interesting.

I have to say, my first impression of their clothes was "meh", but the more I look at them, the more I like them.
Same as it was with their music when I first started listening to them.

I have also wondered about Kris and his outfit. They (JO and designer team) must have known that it would take the spotlight. I wonder if it was intentional that Kris would wear that particular outfit so that he would get more attention than B, who was (in addition to Nace) dressed more conservatively than Kris, Jure and Jan. Since that thing in July I keep having this feeling that they want to make things a bit easier for B and take some of the spotlight and pressure off him and onto the other guys. Which is a good thing!

I never know with these (smart) guys (and their wider team), how much of what we see/get is intentional, and how much it just sort of happens.
Mä olen tulkinnut K:n aloitteellisuuden ja jutut (ainakin jostain kesäkuusta alkaen) sen huumoriksi ja fan serviceksi, mutta en tietenkään tiedä, onko näin. Mun on vaan tosi vaikea tulkita K:n eleitä ja ilmeitä ihastuneen eleiksi, mutta en todellakaan väitä tietäväni, mikä homma.

Sen sijaan mun silmiin B vaikuttaa ihastuneelta ihan NT:stä saadun matskun perusteella. Vaikka voihan olla, että B onkin nyt ihastunut johonkin toiseen kuin K:hon, mutta kummasti B:n hehku ja säteily vaan yltyi NT:n aikana 😏

Jep, joulua kohti mennään 😁
If you check this IG and its last post (not story), you'll see the Sketches for JO's clothes. Super interesting.

I have to say, my first impression of their clothes was "meh", but the more I look at them, the more I like them.
Same as it was with their music when I first started listening to them.

I have also wondered about Kris and his outfit. They (JO and designer team) must have known that it would take the spotlight. I wonder if it was intentional that Kris would wear that particular outfit so that he would get more attention than B, who was (in addition to Nace) dressed more conservatively than Kris, Jure and Jan. Since that thing in July I keep having this feeling that they want to make things a bit easier for B and take some of the spotlight and pressure off him and onto the other guys. Which is a good thing!

I never know with these (smart) guys (and their wider team), how much of what we see/get is intentional, and how much it just sort of happens.
Yeah, I've been feeling the same way. The other band members have taken a more active role in interviews and social media posts since the summer. Just saw this clip this morning where Kris says he would like to feel how it is to be singer on the stage, but just for one day because of the pressure Bojan (or Ho-Ann 😂) gets all the time. And I remember seeing this mention about the pressure Bojan gets in other interviews too. So if they've decided to ease his load with small changes, good for them, and for Bojan of course.

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Reactions: LadySLO:)
Nää on edelleen ihan parhaita! Ihana Kärtsä Euroviisuissa!
Yeah, I've been feeling the same way. The other band members have taken a more active role in interviews and social media posts since the summer. Just saw this clip this morning where Kris says he would like to feel how it is to be singer on the stage, but just for one day because of the pressure Bojan (or Ho-Ann ) gets all the time. And I remember seeing this mention about the pressure Bojan gets in other interviews too. So if they've decided to ease his load with small changes, good for them, and for Bojan of course.

Siinä radiosivuston klipissä Krisin kuulee sanovan kyllä täysin selvästi Bojan (vai sanotaanko se aavistus uu:ta siellä keskellä? Bo(u)jan?)
