QUOTE="vierailija, post: 33895277"]
Jotkut ihmiset voivat reagoida rasvoihin ja sokereihin jopa päinvastoin kuin muut. Yleiset terveyssuositukset ottavat heikosti huomioon yksilöllisiä eroja.
Mihin sitä enää uskoisi...
Tutkittua tietoon esim käyttöturvalmisuustiedotteet.
Jos joku on kasvatettu muuhun kuin syötäväksi, on sen viljelyssä käytetty myrkkyjä enemmän kuin jos olisi syötävää.
[/QUOTE]"Acute toxicity:
The primary route of human exposure to aldicarb is consumption of contaminated food and of water from contaminated wells [14]. Occupational exposure to high levels of aldicarb is due to product handling and most cases of aldicarb poisoning occur from loading and application of the pesticide. Atypical of carbamates in general, aldicarb is extremely toxic through both the oral and dermal routes [5].Absorption from the gut is rapid and almost complete. When administered in oil or other organic solvents aldicarb is absorbed rapidly through the skin. Its skin toxicity is roughly 1000 times that of other carbamates [5].
In humans, the onset of symptoms is rapid, 15 minutes to 3 hours. Symptoms disappear in 4 to 12 hours [15]. Aldicarb's LD50 in rats, mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits ranges from 0.5 mg/kg to 1.5 mg/kg when administered in a liquid or oil form. The toxicities of the dry granules are distinctly lower (LD50 = 7.0 mg/kg), though still highly toxic [5,15]. Aldicarb is a cholinesterase inhibitor and so can result in a variety of symptoms including weakness, blurred vision, headache, nausea, tearing, sweating, and tremors. Very high doses can result in death due to paralysis of the respiratory system."