Maailmanlaajuinen illuminati on totta.

Vauvalla oli täs eilen mielenkiintoinen ketju Whitney Houstonin kuolemasta.

Numerologia täyttyy ainakin jotenkuten (kuolinpäivä, kuolleeksi julistaminen jne), mutta mielenkiintoista on hotelli jossa hän kuoli. Sen Beverly Houston-hotellin vieressä oleva Central Plazan piha ja käytävät muodostavat ilmasta katsottuna katkaistun pyramidin. Se näkyy paremmin tässä videolla, nyt en muista missä kohtaa (ja älkää välittäkö videolla kohkaavasta naisesta).

"Disneyllä valtava rooli Hollywood tähtien aivopesussa

Hollywoodin kulisseissa tapahtuvan MK ULTRA beta ja monarch traumaperäisen mielenohjelmoinnin takana on vaikuttanut aina ja tulee vaikuttamaan Walt Disney company. Se on asia, josta ollaan julkisuudessa oltu hiljaa.

27-vuotiaana hämärissä olosuhteissa kuollut Amy Winehouseesimerkiksi ei tullut tähdeksi sattumalta, koska hänet oli jo traumatisoitu Disneyn toimesta lapsena.

Winehousen väitettiin löytyneen kuolleena sängystään, mutta oikeasti hänet löydettiin huoneensa lattialta ja päähän ammuttuna. Ruumiin vieressä oli Disneyn Minni hiiren naamari ja kappas hän oli lapsena Disneyn toimesta puettu sellaiseksi, jolla luotiin hänelle tämä MK ULTA beta trauma.

Lehdistö kertoi hänen kuolemansa johtuneen alkoholimyrkytyksestä ja väittivät hänen kehostaan löytyneen myös jäämiä huumeista. Mutta siitäkin huolimatta tämä shokeraava valokuva vuoti julkisuuteen, joka kertoikin aivan jotain muuta.

Nostan...mutta ei siis yhden toisen ketjun takia jossa äsken vitsailin illuminatista, mutta kun löytyi ällöttävä löytö...
Jos Trump on naisiin menevä öykkäri, niin on todennäköistä että Hillaryn mies Bill on pedari, on käynyt ystävänsä pedaribileissä Karibialla. :sick:
Vanha uutinen, mutta uskon että sama ongelma on silti Usa:n johdossa.

  • The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes
  • A new lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein's private island where he 'kept young women as sex slaves'
  • Clinton was also apparently friends with a woman who collected naked pictures of underage girls for Epstein to choose from
  • He hasn't cut ties with that woman, however, and invited her to Chelsea's wedding
  • Comes as friends now fear that if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, all of their family's old scandals will be brought to the forefront
  • Epstein has a host of famous friends including Prince Andrew who stayed at his New York mansion AFTER his arrest

A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton's friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.

Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire's private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves.

The National Enquirer has released new details about the two men's friendship, which seems to have ended abruptly around the time of Epstein's arrest.

Naming names: A lawsuit between Jeffrey Epstein (right) and his legal team has included multiple mentions about the convicted pedophile's connection to former President Bill Clinton (left)

Naming names: A lawsuit between Jeffrey Epstein (right, in 2011) and his legal team has included multiple mentions about the convicted pedophile's connection to former President Bill Clinton (left, earlier this month)

Pedophile paradise: The lawsuit included flight records that showed Clinton made multiple trips to Epstein's private island, Little St James (pictured), between 2002 and 2005. Women were reportedly kept there as sex slaves
Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.

It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein's island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s.

Convicted: Epstein was investigated in 2005 after a woman reported that he paid her 14-year-old daughter for sex
Flight logs pinpoint Clinton's trips on Epstein's jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillary was a Senator for their adopted state of New York.

'I remember asking Jeffrey what's Bill Clinton doing here kind fo thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,' one unidentified woman said in the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach Circuit Court.

The woman went on to say how orgies were a regular occurrence and she recalled two young girls from New York who were always seen around the five-house compound but their personal backstories were never revealed.

At least one woman on the compound was there unwillingly, as the suit identifies a woman as Jane Doe 102.

She 'was forced to live as one of Epstein's underage sex slaves for years and was forced to have sex with... politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians, etc,' the lawsuit says according to The Enquirer.

Epstein's sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year-old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex.

The claim prompted a nearly year-long investigation that led to the eventual charge of soliciting prostitution which came as part of a plea deal. He spent 13 months of a 18-month sentence in jail and remains a registered sex offender.

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Several of his famous friends cut ties- including Clinton and then-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who returned his campaign donations- but not all of them: Prince Andrew reportedly stayed at Epstein's mansion in New York in 2010, months after he was released from jail.

Wall Street Journalarticle released today details how

'I'm not in the political camp; I'm in the friends camp. And the friends camp definitely has concerns about her running,' the former Secretary of State's friend Linda Bloodworth-Thomason told the paper,
Ikuiseen rakkauteen vaipuneena-ja meikä tippui kärryiltä. Ihan suoraan jostain Doorsin biisistä :whistle:
Minä en saa selvää sepustuksestasi-oletko siis puolesta vai vastaan vai vaipuneena jonnekin?

Joten, kannatan kaikkia Illuminati yhteyksiä- ja liittyisin jos voisin. Hmmm...miköhän salaseura ottaisi salaiseksi jäsenekseen, anyone? Jokin coven ehkä...
Kaikkein karmeinta ja huolestuttavinta on se, että keskuudessamme elää tällaiseen sontaan uskovia, mielenterveydeltään usein hyvin epävakaita ihmisiä, jotka kuitenkin kulkevat vapaina yleisillä paikoilla, käyvät töissä ja ovat äänioikeutettuja.
repikää siitä , kun pää- ja ulkoministerikin on tuollaisia uskontosatuihin uskovia. Kummallakin on jopa vielä toisistaan poikkeavat uskonnot! Miksi se ei ole kaikilla sama?

mutta lapsiin sekaantuminen on yhtäläisen oksettavan yleistä kummankin uskonharrastuspiireissä
  • Paranoia
According to clinical psychologist P. J. McKenna, "As a noun, paranoia denotes a disorder which has been argued in and out of existence, and whose clinical features, course, boundaries, and virtually every other aspect of which is controversial. Employed as an adjective, paranoid has become attached to a diverse set of presentations, from paranoid schizophrenia, through paranoid depression, to paranoid personality—not to mention a motley collection of paranoid 'psychoses', 'reactions', and 'states'—and this is to restrict discussion to functional disorders. Even when abbreviated down to the prefix para-, the term crops up causing trouble as the contentious but stubbornly persistent concept of paraphrenia".

A popular symptom of paranoia is the attribution bias. These individuals typically have a biased perception of the reality often exhibiting more hostile beliefs. A paranoid person may view someone else's accidental behavior as though it is with intent or threatening.
An investigation of a non-clinical paranoid population found that feeling powerless and depressed, isolating oneself, and relinquishing activities are characteristics that could be associated with those exhibiting more frequent paranoia. Some scientists have created different subtypes for the various symptoms of paranoia including erotic, persecutory, litigious, and exalted.

Due to the suspicious and troublesome personality traits of paranoia, it is unlikely that someone with paranoia will thrive in interpersonal relationships. Most commonly paranoid individuals tend to be of a single status.According to some research there is a hierarchy for paranoia. The least common types of paranoia at the very top of the hierarchy would be those involving more serious threats. Social anxiety is at the bottom of this hierarchy as the most frequently exhibited level of paranoia.

Social and environmental
Social circumstances appear to be highly influential on paranoid beliefs. Based on data collected by means of a mental health survey distributed to residents of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (in Mexico) and El Paso, Texas (in the United States), paranoid beliefs seem to be associated with feelings of powerlessness and victimization, enhanced by social situations. Potential causes of these effects included a sense of believing in external control, and mistrust which can be strengthened by lower socioeconomic status. Those living in a lower socioeconomic status may feel less in control of their own lives. In addition, this study explains that females have the tendency to believe in external control at a higher rate than males, potentially making females more susceptible to mistrust and the effects of socioeconomic status on paranoia.

Emanuel Messinger reports that surveys have revealed that those exhibiting paranoia can evolve from parental relationships and dis-trustworthy environments. These environments could include being very disciplinary, stringent, and unstable. It was even noted that, "indulging and pampering (thereby impressing the child that he is something special and warrants special privileges)," can be contributing backgrounds. Experiences likely to enhance or manifest the symptoms of paranoia include increased rates of disappointment, stress, and a hopeless state of mind.
Discrimination has also been reported as a potential predictor of paranoid delusions. Such reports that paranoia seemed to appear more in older patients that had experienced higher levels of discrimination throughout their lives. In addition to this it has been noted that immigrants are quite susceptible to forms of psychosis. This could be due to the aforementioned effects of discriminatory events and humiliation.


While many more recent theories have been offered on the causes of delusional paranoia, Lake hypothesized that two common mood-based symptoms, grandiosity and guilt, may underlie functional paranoia.

A paranoid reaction may be caused from a decline in brain circulation as a result of high blood pressure or hardening of the arterial walls.
Based on data obtained by the Dutch NEMISIS project in 2005, there was an association between impaired hearing and the onset of symptoms of psychosis, which was based on a five-year follow up. Some older studies have actually declared that a state of paranoia can be produced in patients that were under a hypnotic state of deafness. This idea however generated much skepticism during its time.

Theories and mechanisms[edit]
Abnormal reasoning
Many researchers believe that individuals with paranoia have some sort of cognitive deficit or impairment in reasoning ability. Studies have shown that there may not be a direct relationship between the impairments and psychotic delusions, but they rather impact other areas of an individual's life, such as social circumstances which can be important factors for delusions[who?]. Other such as researchers has shown that cognitive abilities may be altered such when cameras or recordings are involved. This appears to be a common theme among those exhibiting psychotic delusions. An investigation involving one-hundred delusional patients did indeed reveal that these individuals may have a tendency to jump to conclusions rather than look for other potential information.
Anomalous perceptual experiences[edit]
A very prominent example of this theory is the Capgras delusion or syndrome named after the psychiatrist Joseph Capgras. This involves an individual perceiving that a certain important person within their life has been taken over by an impersonator. Ellis and Young (1990) report that the Capgras delusion may be a result of an impaired ability of recognition such as brain damage. Those suffering from the Capgras syndrome tend to have more suspicious personalities and have unusual visualizations about the world and surrounding environments.
Hyper-acute attention is said to be more common in those with paranoia by being able to attend to unfavorable emotions at a higher level. It is also likely that because paranoid personalities focus on threatening events and believe that most intentions are against them, they will be more inclined to recognize these behaviors more frequently.

Motivational factors
The attribution model has been well talked about regarding paranoid or delusional individuals. The idea is that they like to assign issues to external events. Motivation behind this characteristic may involve the need for that person to develop a better self-image and maintain self-confidence. There have been debates about whether or not paranoid individuals are more likely to have a low or high self-perception, and results have been generated for both of these hypotheses. Researchers have made a distinction between positive self-esteem and negative self-esteem revealing that paranoid delusional individuals have more of a negative self-evaluation.
Relations to violence
It has generally been agreed upon that individuals with paranoid delusions will have the tendency to take action based on their beliefs.More research is needed on the particular types of actions that are pursued based on paranoid delusions. Some researchers have made attempts to distinguish the different variations of actions brought on as a result of delusions. Wessely et al. (1993) did just this by studying individuals with delusions of which more than half had reportedly taken action or behaved as a result of these delusions. However, the overall actions were not of a violent nature in most of the informants. The authors note that other studies such as one by Taylor (1985), have shown that violent behaviors were more common in certain types of paranoid individuals, mainly those with a history of being offensive such as prisoners.

Other researchers have found associations between childhood abusive behaviors and the appearance of violent behaviors in psychotic individuals. This could be a result of their inability to cope with aggression as well as other people, especially when constantly attending to potential threats in their environment. The attention to threat itself has been proposed as one of the major contributors of violent actions in paranoid people, although there has been much deliberation about this as well. Other studies have shown that there may only be certain types of delusions that promote any violent behaviors, persecutory delusions seem to be one of these.
