Seroquel on antipsykootti ja niden käytöstä seuraa pysyviä vahinkoja aivoille, älykkyystason laskua ja nukahtaminen vaikeutuu lisää kun aivojen unta ohjaavat osat vaurioituvat. => Ainoastaan hyvin lyhyt aikaiseen käyttöön.
Nukahtamislääkkeet ja benzodiapiinit ovat lääkkeitä, joita pitää käyttää nukahtamisongelmiin!
Jos ongelmat eivät hellitä, mene yksityiselle unettomuuteen erikoistuneelle neurologille, jossa voidaan tehdä unipatjatutkimuksia jne. ja pyrkiä säätämään lääkitys kohdalleen.
Hi, Chris. I hope you get more replies to your question.
The Talk About Sleep forum has great archives. Have you done an Advanced Search using the keywords Seroquel and Insomnia? On the Advanced Search page, be sure to click "Search for all terms."
I've never used Seroquel, but I'd really look into it first if I were you. Moss is one of our members who is a pharmacist with a doctorate in neuropharmacology, I believe. Here's his take on doctors prescribing Seroquel for off-label uses:
"Pardon my directness but your shrink is an idiot and that prescription is close to the line of malpractice. Seroquel is (1) an anti-schizophrenia drug and (2) an anti-mania drug often given in combination with lithium. So, unless you are nuts (i.e. schizophrenic) or manic (tappin your toes like you just did 20 mg amphetamine) Seroquel ain't gonna help squat with your problem. In many ways, it may intensify it, and intensify it severely.
Your first clue that your shrink had shrunk was when he said "I don't want to go there". When a physician says "I don't want to go there" your correct response is to say "Up yours, doc, I don't want to come here. You appear to be uninformed of the state of the science and I am not paying for your quackery". Before I started taking a potent psychotropic medication like Seroquel that can lead to all kinds of brain dysfunction (some, like tartive dyskinesia, unreparable), I'd get a second opinion. Hopefully from somebody not so obviously in the pockets of the drug companies.
Seriously, go to the site and look up Seroquel. Read what is under each tab. Look at the side effects (the major ones are agitation and anxiety). Look at the precautions and, most of all, look at the warnings. I find it totally unethical that any physician could prescribe Seroquel for somebody with your symptoms and drug history. This guy hasn't a clue.
Whatever you do, don't start the Seroquel before you learn more about what it is for, how it works, and what it can potentially do to your brain. Powerful antipsychotics like Seroquel were intended for people who are living just beyond the cusp of reality. They derive benefits that make prescribing poisons like Seroquel the lesser of two evils.