Yritin guuglettaa mutta en löytänyt vielä tutkimusta jonka mukaan älykkyys korreloisi poikalapseen.
Sen sijaan löysin tuon tutkimuksen että naiset ovat miestä älykkäämpiä. Eli tyhmät vanhemmat saavat älykkäitä tyttölapsia.
Jep jep.
voisiko joku etsiä tutkimuksen väitteensä tueksi (siis tuo että älykkäät saavat poikia)?
es, women ARE brighter. That's why I'll make a prediction that is sure to enrage them
PUBLISHED: 22:53 GMT, 16 July 2012 | UPDATED: 17:34 GMT, 17 July 2012
Comments (67)
The latest research has revealed that women have a higher IQ than men. Im not surprised, are you? When I consider the broadest meaning of the word intelligence, I should say the females of my acquaintance, ranging from the very old to the very young, were, on the whole, noticeably more intelligent.
I do not mean just clever-clogs abilities to solve puzzles or do maths, but all-round intuitive intelligence, a combination of emotional intelligence, common sense, and general knowledge. IQ testing began about a century ago, and hitherto, women have lagged some five points behind men on average. The gap between male and female has been narrowing over the years, and this year, it seems women have moved ahead.
All sorts of reasons can be found for this. IQ in general has improved since tests first began. Psychologists think that this is because modern life becomes ever more complicated.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2174528/Yes-women-higher-IQ-men-thats-Ill-make-prediction-enrage-them.html#ixzz2It6dMfAi
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