Kyselin suoraan Gessleinin tehtaalta, onko totta että Suomeen tehdään omat vaunumallit. Tehtaan kertoman mukaan tieto pitää paikkaansa, joten Saksasta ei saa tismalleen samoja Gessleinmalleja mitä Suomesta.
Alla tehtaan vastaus...
Dear Mr.
Thanks for your e-mail message dated Aug. 16th, 06 and well noted, that you are intersted in a Gesslein pram.
It is correct, that Gesslein produce a special model for the Finnish market.
The model a few changes, that are necessary to pass the Finish standards.
The model Swing has the advantages as following:
- enlargable foot-rest
- security poles arround the backrest
- the back part of the hood is fixed under the backrest.
We produce the model especially for the Finish importer "Adimax" and we are not allowed to deliver the model to any other retailer.
We hope this information is suitable for you. If you have any further
questions, do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards
Gesslein KG