Aikamoinen puutarha

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Hey everyone!

I'm still here, I posted a few days ago about JO looking for dancers for Saturday event. :)
First, let me say I wish it was 19C! 😅 It's currently 29C on my balcony and I'm so done with this heat! But yes, nights are finally cooler.

Secondly, I wouldnt know about Žurnal/ Cosmopolitan article if it werent for Twitter. The article was shared widely there.
Do I believe it?
Well, I think the part about B and S being seen in Petit Cafe and LP can't be true for sure. Those places are right in the center of the centre of town and B wouldnt take a date there unless he would really want to be seen which We know is not true in any case who he is with. I mean, even Nace and Kris, who we know have gfs, we never hear about them being seen. Surely they have different spots to hang out not the very crowded city center.
I dont really have an opinion on the whole B&S situation. I have no idea what is true.
I just wish B all the best. ♥
Hey everyone!

I'm still here, I posted a few days ago about JO looking for dancers for Saturday event.
First, let me say I wish it was 19C! It's currently 29C on my balcony and I'm so done with this heat! But yes, nights are finally cooler.

Secondly, I wouldnt know about Žurnal/ Cosmopolitan article if it werent for Twitter. The article was shared widely there.
Do I believe it?
Well, I think the part about B and S being seen in Petit Cafe and LP can't be true for sure. Those places are right in the center of the centre of town and B wouldnt take a date there unless he would really want to be seen which We know is not true in any case who he is with. I mean, even Nace and Kris, who we know have gfs, we never hear about them being seen. Surely they have different spots to hang out not the very crowded city center.
I dont really have an opinion on the whole B&S situation. I have no idea what is true.
I just wish B all the best.
I have 😊 It's BS 😁
Paatilla kyseltiin, kenen kirjailijan toivoisi kirjoittavan Bojere-ficin. Kalle Päätalo kieltämättä olisi ainakin yllättävä tekijä, mutta vastaan silti Madeline Miller. Hän on kirjoittanut mm. The Song of Achilles-kirjan, suom. Akilleen laulu. Suosittelen sitä, jos haluatte lukea m/m-tarinan, joka saa sekä heittämään kirjan seinään että itkemään (surusta), ja sitten itkemään vielä kerran (ilosta).
Sellainen suomalainen kirjailija kuin Johanna Viitanen. Häneltä on tullut vain yksi romaani, mutta se on hieno M&M-rakkaustarina, jossa on myös jännäripiirteitä. Bonuksena pari taisi olla eri maista ja tapasi ulkomailla.
