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Terkkuja ficcitaivaasta!

Kuuro-ficcin päätösosa:

Uusi luku Ugly Beautifulista:

No nyt!!! 🔥🔥🔥Kuuroficin viimeisen luvun jo luinkin, mut tätä Ugly beautifulin lukua en huomannutkaan!

Vauvalla on nyt tosiaan toinenkin fiilistelyketju. Onneksi nyt keskustelua on vähemmän kaikilla palstoilla, jotta ehtii kahlata jutut läpi muun elämän hoitamisen lisäksi 😅

Terkkuja ficcitaivaasta!

Kuuro-ficcin päätösosa:

Uusi luku Ugly Beautifulista:

Kiitos, en ollutkaan huomannut näitä! Pääsin vihdoinkin rekkautumaan sinne ao3 ja kahlannut läpi sitä ihanaa jääkiekkoficciä ♥

Ugly Beautifulin viimeisin osa oli taas ihana. Nyt on kadonnut kyllä AO3:sta kymmeniä ficcejä viimeisen viikon aikana, yksi aktiivinen suomalainen poisti tunnuksensa, mutta siellä on tainnut joku muukin poistaa ellei useampikin. Sanokaa jos huomaatte jotain puuttuvan, niitä voi vielä yrittää pelastaa Googlen välimuistista. :)

- Joymuffin
No nyt!!! Kuuroficin viimeisen luvun jo luinkin, mut tätä Ugly beautifulin lukua en huomannutkaan!

Vauvalla on nyt tosiaan toinenkin fiilistelyketju. Onneksi nyt keskustelua on vähemmän kaikilla palstoilla, jotta ehtii kahlata jutut läpi muun elämän hoitamisen lisäksi
Molemmat ficit aivan 😭🥵🔥🥰

Tässäpä teille vielä Balkanin prinssi ratsailla. Siis oikeasti ratsailla senkin tuhmeliinit 😅 lista jatkuu vaan, mitäpä B ei osaisi tehdä...

B: Hi, you dumbass. I heard you want to build house with me. Wow.
K: Who told you? It was just a silly joke when a fan asked about you.
B: What, don't you want to build a house with me? I would love to.
K: Ok. If you like, that's fine with me too. Byt I did not really think about it.
B. Jere, I would like to have at least three bedrooms. We also need space for children.
K: Bojan. What the hell are you planning? Bojan, calm down.
B: I will tell you more when I come to Finland. I can hardly wait.
K: Bojan. Love u but a house....
B: Yes, yes. As soon as possible.
B: Hi, you dumbass. I heard you want to build house with me. Wow.
K: Who told you? It was just a silly joke when a fan asked about you.
B: What, don't you want to build a house with me? I would love to.
K: Ok. If you like, that's fine with me too. Byt I did not really think about it.
B. Jere, I would like to have at least three bedrooms. We also need space for children.
K: Bojan. What the hell are you planning? Bojan, calm down.
B: I will tell you more when I come to Finland. I can hardly wait.
K: Bojan. Love u but a house....
B: Yes, yes. As soon as possible.
B: Hi, you dumbass. I heard you want to build house with me. Wow.
K: Who told you? It was just a silly joke when a fan asked about you.
B: What, don't you want to build a house with me? I would love to.
K: Ok. If you like, that's fine with me too. Byt I did not really think about it.
B. Jere, I would like to have at least three bedrooms. We also need space for children.
K: Bojan. What the hell are you planning? Bojan, calm down.
B: I will tell you more when I come to Finland. I can hardly wait.
K: Bojan. Love u but a house....
B: Yes, yes. As soon as possible.
We also need space for children 🥰
Yksi ficci, josta itse olen tykännyt ja joka juuri sai päätöslukunsa on Tee jotakin mahdotonta. Ficci on suomenkielisestä nimestä huolimatta enkuksi.

Kiitos suosituksesta! En ehtinyt vasta kuin nopeasti vilkaista, mutta nuo CMX:n lyriikat 😭
  • Haha
Reactions: Emma.1815
Yksi ficci, josta itse olen tykännyt ja joka juuri sai päätöslukunsa on Tee jotakin mahdotonta. Ficci on suomenkielisestä nimestä huolimatta enkuksi.

Luin tuon juuri loppuun, aivan ihana! Ja jotenkin sellainen, jonka olisi helposti voinut kuvitella tapahtuvan 💚
Punainen tupa ja perunamaa, alkakaahan katella tontteja pojat
K hoitaa shippaamisen fanien puolesta, tällaisina hetkinä laivamatkasta voi vain nauttia 😂

Täältä myös suositus Tee jotakin mahdotonta -ficille, itsellä meni itkuksi vikassa luvussa 🙈 Kiva, vähän erilainen rakenne ja tosi mielenkiintoista dynamiikkaa, hapuilua ystävyyden ja jonkin muun välillä. Tuo Pelasta maailma on itselleni tosi tärkeä biisi ❤

  • Tykkää
Reactions: ona.ona.ona
ajankohtaista minificciä alkuiltaan

B: You and your big mouth.
K: Uuh, somebody misses my mouth.
B: Ha ha, well I actually do, but I didn’t call you because of that. I meant that you just couldn’ t keep secrets to yourself, again.
K: What do you mean?
B: In your concert. About building the house. OUR house!
K: Oh yeah, that… It slipped. Sorry. But nobody believed it. They think that I was joking.
B: You think so?
K: Yes yes. They think it is funny. Käärijä can say anything, you know.
B: Did you say that the house will be in Slovenia?
K: No, of course not. And with this talk about the house I could cover my real feelings about our collaboration of the new single. After the talk about the house, people did not pay attention about the question of the song anymore.
B: Hmm, that was actually smart strategy. I will give you that.
K: And you should be happy that I didn’t talk about our new cottage in Finland!
B: You better be quiet about that! Let’s keep it as… What was you called it?
K: Pöyhösen pornopirtti
B: Poyhosen pornobiitti?
K: Hah hah! Almost.
B: Now I remember something I wanted to ask you.
K: Shoot!
B: What does this mean?
*reads from another screen* Saa tulla suihinotolle
K: Bojan, have you been reading vauva-pages again?
B: No, of course not. You told me not to.
K: *sigh* How many hours today?
B: Yes.

Golacha 🌻♾️
ajankohtaista minificciä alkuiltaan

B: You and your big mouth.
K: Uuh, somebody misses my mouth.
B: Ha ha, well I actually do, but I didn’t call you because of that. I meant that you just couldn’ t keep secrets to yourself, again.
K: What do you mean?
B: In your concert. About building the house. OUR house!
K: Oh yeah, that… It slipped. Sorry. But nobody believed it. They think that I was joking.
B: You think so?
K: Yes yes. They think it is funny. Käärijä can say anything, you know.
B: Did you say that the house will be in Slovenia?
K: No, of course not. And with this talk about the house I could cover my real feelings about our collaboration of the new single. After the talk about the house, people did not pay attention about the question of the song anymore.
B: Hmm, that was actually smart strategy. I will give you that.
K: And you should be happy that I didn’t talk about our new cottage in Finland!
B: You better be quiet about that! Let’s keep it as… What was you called it?
K: Pöyhösen pornopirtti
B: Poyhosen pornobiitti?
K: Hah hah! Almost.
B: Now I remember something I wanted to ask you.
K: Shoot!
B: What does this mean?
*reads from another screen* Saa tulla suihinotolle
K: Bojan, have you been reading vauva-pages again?
B: No, of course not. You told me not to.
K: *sigh* How many hours today?
B: Yes.

