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Btw, Bojan was at some point (last summer??) wearing a white lace shirt (not THE one, but one with like a shirt collar and short sleeves). And Nace has sometimes worn something quite similar as well (same time period, but different gigs). Can't say though if it's the same shirt or just similar and can't for the life of me find any pics now that I need them 😬😬😬 but maybe someone else knows? I remember this shirt being loose fitting on B as well and he wore it at that concert where he balanced a shoe on his head.
This one?
Still can't find any pics of Nace in white lace, but I'm pretty sure this is the black shirt B was wearing in that interview:

You're right, it is! This is awesome, thank you! :D
We should manufacture memory cards with pairs of JO guys in the same outfits. You know, the game where you turn around 2 cards and if they're not the same, you have to put them back.? Except here it would be 2 guys in the same outfit that you'd need to pair. :giggle:
Alan oleen jo kateellinen joksuille kun niillä on noin läheiset ja lämpimät välit että osa asuu luultavasti samassa kämpässä ja sit vielä pitävät samoja vaatteita plus muuttavat lontoossakin varmasti samaan paikkaan ja viettävät lähes kaiken aikansa toistensa seurassa haluan myös tämmöisen ystäväpiirin 🥺
Alan oleen jo kateellinen joksuille kun niillä on noin läheiset ja lämpimät välit että osa asuu luultavasti samassa kämpässä ja sit vielä pitävät samoja vaatteita plus muuttavat lontoossakin varmasti samaan paikkaan ja viettävät lähes kaiken aikansa toistensa seurassa haluan myös tämmöisen ystäväpiirin
Kyllä, todellakin. Itsellä kaikki läheiset asuvat tuhansien kilometrien päässä tai en ole pystynyt puhumaan heidän kanssaan vuosiin.
Ok, I think I found it now. It looks much longer on Nace BUT could it be that it's been altered later?? Bc on B it looks like the hem has been cut/ripped. And Nace is wearing a T-shirt underneath, like someone suggested in a previous comment, so it's hard to make out...Help me out here:

Exhibit A (Nace)

Exhibit B (Bojan)

Same shirt or different one??? 🧐
Ok, I think I found it now. It looks much longer on Nace BUT could it be that it's been altered later?? Bc on B it looks like the hem has been cut/ripped. And Nace is wearing a T-shirt underneath, like someone suggested in a previous comment, so it's hard to make out...Help me out here:

Exhibit A (Nace)

Exhibit B (Bojan)

Same shirt or different one???
And is it white or gold?! :D
LadySlo, are you only thinking here about clothes that they have been wearing on stage? Because I have seen a pic of Bojan wearing some kind of white & blue fleece jacket or something like that, and soon after there was a pic of Jan wearing the same or similar one. But that was definitely not something they would wear on stage.

Anyways, I don't know where to find those pictures any more and while I tried to make some random google searching related to that, I found these kind of Are you hoodies (and several other Are you items) :D :D

Näin tänään dna-liikkeen ohi kulkiessani sellaisen pahvi-Kärtsän, ja ehkä millisekunnin mietin, pitäisi se napata kainaloon ja lähettää Sloveniaan pelastaa kierrätykseen joutumiselta. Onneksi järki kuitenkin vielä jotenkin pelitti, enkä tietenkään toteuttanut aiettani. Miettikää sitä näkyä, kun rouvashenkilö nappaisi pahvin kainaloonsa ja yrittäisi vipeltää karkuun toppatakissaan ja ostoskassit heiluen. Olisin jäänyt samantien kiinni vielä ja saanut rikosrekisterin. Olisi ensimmäinen ja viimeinen varkaus se.
Ok, I think I found it now. It looks much longer on Nace BUT could it be that it's been altered later?? Bc on B it looks like the hem has been cut/ripped. And Nace is wearing a T-shirt underneath, like someone suggested in a previous comment, so it's hard to make out...Help me out here:

Exhibit A (Nace)

Exhibit B (Bojan)

Same shirt or different one??? 🧐
Hawk's eye!! I think you are right, it is the same shirt!!! The timeline fits too, Zagreb was before Maribor, their stylist must have cut it off so B could wear it. Pure brilliance. :D
LadySlo, are you only thinking here about clothes that they have been wearing on stage? Because I have seen a pic of Bojan wearing some kind of white & blue fleece jacket or something like that, and soon after there was a pic of Jan wearing the same or similar one. But that was definitely not something they would wear on stage.

Anyways, I don't know where to find those pictures any more and while I tried to make some random google searching related to that, I found these kind of Are you hoodies (and several other Are you items) :D :D

For starters, for the JO fashion page, I was thinking just gig clothes, because usually it's easier to find those photos. But off - stage clothes are also interesting, of course, and I know which fleece jacket you mean, I think Jan wore it in some clips that they recorded in their rehearsal space, it might have been one of their promotional clips for A1 or something.
Alan oleen jo kateellinen joksuille kun niillä on noin läheiset ja lämpimät välit että osa asuu luultavasti samassa kämpässä ja sit vielä pitävät samoja vaatteita plus muuttavat lontoossakin varmasti samaan paikkaan ja viettävät lähes kaiken aikansa toistensa seurassa haluan myös tämmöisen ystäväpiirin
Mä olen ollut kateellinen jo kauan. Tapasin joku aika sitten ystäviä ja siinä kyseltiin kuka kukin haluaisi olla, jos voisi vapaasti valita. Mulle tuli mieleen että haluaisin olla joku joksuista. En sitten kuitenkaan kertonut, että mielelläni olisin bändin kitaristi. Ehkä hyvä, etten kertonut. Olen oikeasti kypsässä iässä oleva äiti-ihminen.
