Japanissahan nuoret miehet 20-30v eivät 60 % enemmistöltä enää harrasta seksiä vaan lähinnä platonisia suhteita naisten kanssa.
Soushoku Danshi
"The emerging sub-tribe of grass-grass eaters is becoming less a reaction to the macho man, and more a norm for men in their twenties and thirties. These men shop and wear womens clothes, prefer to stay indoors with a close circle of friends and interact with many women in a platonic way. Their seeming lack of sex drive is the most outright difference from the macho-man of the eighties, but they have many other characteristics which distinctly separate them from their more manly counterparts. Many prefer to split bills and some are so non-aggressive towards women as to seem uninterested. Although the gay community certainly plays its part among the grass-eaters, the large majority are heterosexual. They are set apart because of their sensitivity and possession of typically feminine traits. In a country renowned for its metrosexual men, the grass-eaters are unique in that they are becoming increasingly mainstream; they are no longer a cultural minority."
Itse tavallaan ymmärrän tuon pointin, koska naisen kanssa tunteminen on itsellenikin todella tärkeää ja upeaa - kuten miehille yleisesti oli 200 v sitten lännessäkin ennen macho-kulttuurin nousua 1800-luvulla. Uskon sen liittyvän tunteen ja henkisyyden tärkeyteen noin yleensä ja kriittisyyteen niin porvarillisuudesta kuin sossulaisesta ja materialistisesta "olemme eläimiä" -ajattelusta. Taidehistoriassa hieman kuten symbolismi vs. naturalismi.
En tosin itse vie tätä noin pitkälle vaan joissain asioissa olen taas keskimääräistä machompi.