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    Miks yh-äiti ei kelpaa....

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    How are you sisters

    My dear mother get married last week. I'm confuse. Love my mother but found out that my father is not what I belived him to be. My mother has told me lies so many yeras. Having hard time now. Kiss, Susie
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    How are you sisters

    \ I do not understand what you are saying? But why you are screaming?
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    Voimat loppuu...

    I know it can be hard time. :hug: Bid hug to you. Love you sister. Susan
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    miten löysitte uuden miehen exän jälkeen?

    I found my new husbandkandidate in my backyard. But it is over now. He won't marry me because of his son. First place I newer known he had son. Suprise suprise.
  6. S

    How are you sisters

    Hello everyone, I'm also single mother with daughter. I had wonderful boyfriend but he left me. Would like to hear your story, why are you single. Luck for hunting!<br><br>
