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Repesin tälle kohdalle yhdessä ficissä. :D

"When he looks at his lyrics sheet he sighs defeated. Someone has changed the damn line to "Fuck your best friend" again.


Voin niin kuvitella. :p
“Like Hell It Is Written in the Stars”-ficcini uusin luku on minusta aika kiva, olin itse aivan fiiliksissä sitä kirjoittaessani (sekä kirjoitusflowfiliksissä että rakkausfiiliksissä). Siinä mennään tosi diippeihin sfääreihin, mutta varsinaista angstia ei ole paljoakaan (vaikka luvun kuvaus siltä ehkä kuulostaakin), koska Bojan odottaa jo NT:tä niin innolla. Siihen päästäänkin luvun loppupuolella, tosin sitä ennen tulee vielä pari yllättävää käännettä. :)

- Joymuffin
“Like Hell It Is Written in the Stars”-ficcini uusin luku on minusta aika kiva, olin itse aivan fiiliksissä sitä kirjoittaessani (sekä kirjoitusflowfiliksissä että rakkausfiiliksissä). Siinä mennään tosi diippeihin sfääreihin, mutta varsinaista angstia ei ole paljoakaan (vaikka luvun kuvaus siltä ehkä kuulostaakin), koska Bojan odottaa jo NT:tä niin innolla. Siihen päästäänkin luvun loppupuolella, tosin sitä ennen tulee vielä pari yllättävää käännettä.

- Joymuffin
Olin juuri käymässä nukkumaan, mutta nyt on pakko vielä hetki valvoa ja lukea tämä. Kiitos. ❤
From the N1 interview, the part about G:
I: In the summer you parted ways with your PR agent. (she then reads a part of their social media post about that) How did you find out about that and how did you make a decision that followed? What did you learn from it?
Q: We learned about it from social media, a lot of our fans posted about this, fans mostly from abroad. They said they felt uncomfortable, there were some accusations, we never saw or knew anything about that, but because we have an honest relationship with our fans we had to trust them and if they felt uncomfortable, we had to do something. To me, it felt unfortunate because he was really good with us and he contributed so much to our success, but at that moment we made a decision to make our fans our priority.
I: Did you all agree with this?
B: Yes. You can't have positive energy between us and the fans if something is wrong. Like Kris said, we didn't know about this and we couldn't check if it's really happening, but we had to trust the fans.

More later.
From the N1 interview, the part about G:
I: In the summer you parted ways with your PR agent. (she then reads a part of their social media post about that) How did you find out about that and how did you make a decision that followed? What did you learn from it?
Q: We learned about it from social media, a lot of our fans posted about this, fans mostly from abroad. They said they felt uncomfortable, there were some accusations, we never saw or knew anything about that, but because we have an honest relationship with our fans we had to trust them and if they felt uncomfortable, we had to do something. To me, it felt unfortunate because he was really good with us and he contributed so much to our success, but at that moment we made a decision to make our fans our priority.
I: Did you all agree with this?
B: Yes. You can't have positive energy between us and the fans if something is wrong. Like Kris said, we didn't know about this and we couldn't check if it's really happening, but we had to trust the fans.

More later.
About the new song:
B: We just recorded a new single which will be quite different from what we've done so far. AFter a long time we were able to breathe a little bit and play around in the studio, and that's how the new song was made.
Nace: The first 3 women who heard the new song, they cried.
I: Is it a ballad?
B: Errrrr
N: Not really.
Jure: Yes, it is.
K: Initially it was, but we re-arranged it so it's not so much of a ballad.
(Jure says something about Guns'n'roses)
B: It is a 4minute story.
This song was therapy for me. I can say that much.
Äh, nyt jäi vaivaamaan. Muistaako joku ficciä joka on ainakin osittain Jeren näkökulmasta, varmaan niitä perinteisiä jotka alkavat viisuista (ja taitaa olla tosi vanhakin). Minusta useampiosainen, mutta ehkä jäänyt kesken? Siinä vaiheessa ei ole puhuttu mitään tunteista tai tehty something more -juttuja, mutta Jere alkaa epäillä kesken videopuhelun (joka tapahtuu varmaan reilusti kesällä), että Bojanilla on siellä omat kivat meneillään ja niin, että Jeren on tarkoituskin huomata asia, mutta homma on kuitenkin hyvin hienovaraista (ja Bojan voisi varmaan kysyttäessä kieltää asian?).

Ehkä siinä oli vielä jokin esine, että kun käsi heiluu oudosti, Jere ensin ajattelee Bojanin vain räpläävän edessään olevaa kaljapulloa tms? Tunnelma on ehkä enemmän kiusoitteleva kuin kuuma, tai jotenkin Bojan hallitsee tilannetta tuolla, mutta enemmän emotionaalisella kuin seksuaalisella tasolla.
Hitsi, muistan tämän mutten saa päähäni nimeä, enkä pikaisella etsinnällä löytänyt. Voin yrittää myöhemmin uudelleen, kun ehdin paneutua paremmin.
OK, all together, sorry for all the typos etc. Summary:

About this year, how it was etc, what made the biggest moment/impression on you this year?
B: the first gigs abroad when we realised the fans are singing our songs in Slovenian
They talk about what makes a gig really great for them on the stage.
She mentioned/asked about their rehearsal space, so now we know where it is. (at least I didn't know exactly) It's in Stegne.
They talk about Tomi from Siddharta and other role models.
She asks about fame and its less nice effects.
B talks about the blurred lines between private and "business" and how many people send them messages etc She asks if he ever needed to report anything to the police, he says he's thought about it, but hasn't so far.
Kris says it's best not to read comments etc online.
How do you find peace?
Nace: In the studio..... at home, with my mom for example. This used to be taken for granted, but not anymore. They all nod/agree.
Who is JO when the cameras are off and gig lights are turned off?
5 great friends.
Kris says they spend time together even when they are off, for a cup of coffee, in their rehearsal space or in a sauna. They all say ahhh saunaaa...

I: What's next?
B: We are moving to UK next week for 2 months, to make a new record and process the things that happened to us. In March we go on tour, we have 19 gigs in 27 days, we go home for Easter, then back to UK for 3 gigs, then 1 month in Germany to record the new album, then we have a gig that will be very special for us, but we can't talk about it yet, but soon we probably can.
I: Abroad?
B: Yes, yes.
Then more gigs.
K: In our region, it's the festival season.
They will have a tour bus for the Euro tour, 12 beds. They talk about how easier is to do the tour that way than via flights.
They talk about how they had to change their lifestyle, they try to be more disciplined, go to bed earlier, eat more healthy, no alcohol etc.
I: B, at an interview for Val202 you told the listeners about your panic attack in Ptuj. Why did you decide to do that? Is it because a lot of young people have similar issues?
B: We are always real with our fans, we don't pretend to be something we're not. This year we really realised how many young people find support in our music, how much they need it, which is why it makes sense to us to communicate to our fans like we would with friends.
I: Panic attacks and anxiety are really terrible to experience. How do you feel now?
B: Well... it's not as bad anymore. I know why I had that panic attack (or at least I think I do), I had covid (which I didn't know at the time), before this we had UK tour, the day before we had another gig after which we partied too late, and I drank a strong energy drink and it just all came down on me.
I: That's when you also left social media at that time. What's your strategy/attitude towards that?
Jure: We don't read messages anymore.
Kris: I think we need to keep the relationship with fans more or less at gigs. I'm not a fan of social media.
We really like to get letters though.
I: What is success for you?
B: As a career I'm able to make music with a group of guys who I love. The fact that we can make a living with this.
N: Like B said, music which I love is my job.
K: The fact that at 23 I know what I want to do with my life.
J: Goals we successfully achieve and progress.

B mentions he dreamt that he beat up Nace. He felt so guilty when he woke up and has been apologising to him for 2 days.

I: In the summer you parted ways with your PR agent. (she then reads a part of their social media post about that) How did you find out about that and how did you make a decision that followed? What did you learn from it?
K: We learnt about it from social media, a lot of our fans posted about this, fans mostly from abroad. They said they felt uncomfortable, there were some accusations, we never saw or knew anything about that, but because we have an honest relationship with our fans we had to trust them and if they felt uncomfortable, we had to do something. To me, it felt unfortunate because he was a really good with us and he contributed so much to our success, but at that moment we made a decision to make our fans our priority.
I: Did you all agree with this?
B: Yes. You can't have positive energy between us and the fans if something is wrong. Like Kris said, we didn't know about this and we couldn't check if it's really happening but we had to trust the fans.

I: Are you ever scared that because of your success will change you, make you lose yourself?

About the new song:
B: We just recorded a new single which will be quite different from what we've done so far. AFter a long time we were able to breathe a little bit and play around in the studio, and that's how the new song was made.
Nace: The first 3 women who heard the new song, they cried.
I: Is it a ballad?
B: Errrrr
N: Not really.
Jure: Yes, it is.
K: Initially it was, but we re-arranged it so it's not so much of a ballad.
(Jure says something about Guns'n'roses)
B: It is a 4minute story.
This song was therapy for me. I can say that much.

She asks if B plans to do more acting, he says he hopes to, yes.

Do you think about your influence on young people?
K: Some of our fans have had tatoos done of our drawingsm so I can only begin to imagine the effect of our words and actions on young people.

I: How do you view today's world and society?
They get deep here, I'll let JO subs translate this. :)

They also talk about ESC and why they made something from it which other SLO peformers in the past didnt.

I: What do you wish for the future, for 2024?
Jure: Wembley 2030!
B: Full of music, creativity, the rest will come on its own.
K: This year we visited a lot of places Europe, in the next year I would like us to at least visit US, I love to travel, I'd love to see the usic scene there.
B: And I wish that Jan is here with us next year!
Hvala, LadySLO 🥰
About G: It seems that JO felt that having to choose between G (or any other person working for them?) and some fans who don't like that person, they only have one option. But what about the majority of the fans who didn't have a problem with G? 🤔
OK, all together, sorry for all the typos etc. Summary:

About this year, how it was etc, what made the biggest moment/impression on you this year?
B: the first gigs abroad when we realised the fans are singing our songs in Slovenian
They talk about what makes a gig really great for them on the stage.
She mentioned/asked about their rehearsal space, so now we know where it is. (at least I didn't know exactly) It's in Stegne.
They talk about Tomi from Siddharta and other role models.
She asks about fame and its less nice effects.
B talks about the blurred lines between private and "business" and how many people send them messages etc She asks if he ever needed to report anything to the police, he says he's thought about it, but hasn't so far.
Kris says it's best not to read comments etc online.
How do you find peace?
Nace: In the studio..... at home, with my mom for example. This used to be taken for granted, but not anymore. They all nod/agree.
Who is JO when the cameras are off and gig lights are turned off?
5 great friends.
Kris says they spend time together even when they are off, for a cup of coffee, in their rehearsal space or in a sauna. They all say ahhh saunaaa...

I: What's next?
B: We are moving to UK next week for 2 months, to make a new record and process the things that happened to us. In March we go on tour, we have 19 gigs in 27 days, we go home for Easter, then back to UK for 3 gigs, then 1 month in Germany to record the new album, then we have a gig that will be very special for us, but we can't talk about it yet, but soon we probably can.
I: Abroad?
B: Yes, yes.
Then more gigs.
K: In our region, it's the festival season.
They will have a tour bus for the Euro tour, 12 beds. They talk about how easier is to do the tour that way than via flights.
They talk about how they had to change their lifestyle, they try to be more disciplined, go to bed earlier, eat more healthy, no alcohol etc.
I: B, at an interview for Val202 you told the listeners about your panic attack in Ptuj. Why did you decide to do that? Is it because a lot of young people have similar issues?
B: We are always real with our fans, we don't pretend to be something we're not. This year we really realised how many young people find support in our music, how much they need it, which is why it makes sense to us to communicate to our fans like we would with friends.
I: Panic attacks and anxiety are really terrible to experience. How do you feel now?
B: Well... it's not as bad anymore. I know why I had that panic attack (or at least I think I do), I had covid (which I didn't know at the time), before this we had UK tour, the day before we had another gig after which we partied too late, and I drank a strong energy drink and it just all came down on me.
I: That's when you also left social media at that time. What's your strategy/attitude towards that?
Jure: We don't read messages anymore.
Kris: I think we need to keep the relationship with fans more or less at gigs. I'm not a fan of social media.
We really like to get letters though.
I: What is success for you?
B: As a career I'm able to make music with a group of guys who I love. The fact that we can make a living with this.
N: Like B said, music which I love is my job.
K: The fact that at 23 I know what I want to do with my life.
J: Goals we successfully achieve and progress.

B mentions he dreamt that he beat up Nace. He felt so guilty when he woke up and has been apologising to him for 2 days.

I: In the summer you parted ways with your PR agent. (she then reads a part of their social media post about that) How did you find out about that and how did you make a decision that followed? What did you learn from it?
K: We learnt about it from social media, a lot of our fans posted about this, fans mostly from abroad. They said they felt uncomfortable, there were some accusations, we never saw or knew anything about that, but because we have an honest relationship with our fans we had to trust them and if they felt uncomfortable, we had to do something. To me, it felt unfortunate because he was a really good with us and he contributed so much to our success, but at that moment we made a decision to make our fans our priority.
I: Did you all agree with this?
B: Yes. You can't have positive energy between us and the fans if something is wrong. Like Kris said, we didn't know about this and we couldn't check if it's really happening but we had to trust the fans.

I: Are you ever scared that because of your success will change you, make you lose yourself?

About the new song:
B: We just recorded a new single which will be quite different from what we've done so far. AFter a long time we were able to breathe a little bit and play around in the studio, and that's how the new song was made.
Nace: The first 3 women who heard the new song, they cried.
I: Is it a ballad?
B: Errrrr
N: Not really.
Jure: Yes, it is.
K: Initially it was, but we re-arranged it so it's not so much of a ballad.
(Jure says something about Guns'n'roses)
B: It is a 4minute story.
This song was therapy for me. I can say that much.

She asks if B plans to do more acting, he says he hopes to, yes.

Do you think about your influence on young people?
K: Some of our fans have had tatoos done of our drawingsm so I can only begin to imagine the effect of our words and actions on young people.

I: How do you view today's world and society?
They get deep here, I'll let JO subs translate this.

They also talk about ESC and why they made something from it which other SLO peformers in the past didnt.

I: What do you wish for the future, for 2024?
Jure: Wembley 2030!
B: Full of music, creativity, the rest will come on its own.
K: This year we visited a lot of places Europe, in the next year I would like us to at least visit US, I love to travel, I'd love to see the usic scene there.
B: And I wish that Jan is here with us next year!
Aww B:n vika lause missä toivoo Janin olevan niitten kanssa ens vuonna huomaa että ne on toisilleen tärkeitä 🥺
Hvala, LadySLO
About G: It seems that JO felt that having to choose between G (or any other person working for them?) and some fans who don't like that person, they only have one option. But what about the majority of the fans who didn't have a problem with G?
En ole LadySLO, mutta eihän tossa ole vaihtoehtoja. Toi on pakollinen asia, mikä tehdä.
En ole LadySLO, mutta eihän tossa ole vaihtoehtoja. Toi on pakollinen asia, mikä tehdä.
Juu. Ei niillä varmaan oikein ollut muutakaan vaihtoehtoa. Mietin vaan, että noin voi käydä toistekin. Tuosta haastiksesta tuli kuva, että JO:lla ei ollut mahdollisuutta selvittää väitteiden todenperäisyyttä vaan potkut piti antaa. Entäs seuraavan kerran, kun joku fanijoukko ei tykkää jostain JO:n työntekijästä? Sama homma uusiksi?
OK, all together, sorry for all the typos etc. Summary:

About this year, how it was etc, what made the biggest moment/impression on you this year?
B: the first gigs abroad when we realised the fans are singing our songs in Slovenian
They talk about what makes a gig really great for them on the stage.
She mentioned/asked about their rehearsal space, so now we know where it is. (at least I didn't know exactly) It's in Stegne.
They talk about Tomi from Siddharta and other role models.
She asks about fame and its less nice effects.
B talks about the blurred lines between private and "business" and how many people send them messages etc She asks if he ever needed to report anything to the police, he says he's thought about it, but hasn't so far.
Kris says it's best not to read comments etc online.
How do you find peace?
Nace: In the studio..... at home, with my mom for example. This used to be taken for granted, but not anymore. They all nod/agree.
Who is JO when the cameras are off and gig lights are turned off?
5 great friends.
Kris says they spend time together even when they are off, for a cup of coffee, in their rehearsal space or in a sauna. They all say ahhh saunaaa...

I: What's next?
B: We are moving to UK next week for 2 months, to make a new record and process the things that happened to us. In March we go on tour, we have 19 gigs in 27 days, we go home for Easter, then back to UK for 3 gigs, then 1 month in Germany to record the new album, then we have a gig that will be very special for us, but we can't talk about it yet, but soon we probably can.
I: Abroad?
B: Yes, yes.
Then more gigs.
K: In our region, it's the festival season.
They will have a tour bus for the Euro tour, 12 beds. They talk about how easier is to do the tour that way than via flights.
They talk about how they had to change their lifestyle, they try to be more disciplined, go to bed earlier, eat more healthy, no alcohol etc.
I: B, at an interview for Val202 you told the listeners about your panic attack in Ptuj. Why did you decide to do that? Is it because a lot of young people have similar issues?
B: We are always real with our fans, we don't pretend to be something we're not. This year we really realised how many young people find support in our music, how much they need it, which is why it makes sense to us to communicate to our fans like we would with friends.
I: Panic attacks and anxiety are really terrible to experience. How do you feel now?
B: Well... it's not as bad anymore. I know why I had that panic attack (or at least I think I do), I had covid (which I didn't know at the time), before this we had UK tour, the day before we had another gig after which we partied too late, and I drank a strong energy drink and it just all came down on me.
I: That's when you also left social media at that time. What's your strategy/attitude towards that?
Jure: We don't read messages anymore.
Kris: I think we need to keep the relationship with fans more or less at gigs. I'm not a fan of social media.
We really like to get letters though.
I: What is success for you?
B: As a career I'm able to make music with a group of guys who I love. The fact that we can make a living with this.
N: Like B said, music which I love is my job.
K: The fact that at 23 I know what I want to do with my life.
J: Goals we successfully achieve and progress.

B mentions he dreamt that he beat up Nace. He felt so guilty when he woke up and has been apologising to him for 2 days.

I: In the summer you parted ways with your PR agent. (she then reads a part of their social media post about that) How did you find out about that and how did you make a decision that followed? What did you learn from it?
K: We learnt about it from social media, a lot of our fans posted about this, fans mostly from abroad. They said they felt uncomfortable, there were some accusations, we never saw or knew anything about that, but because we have an honest relationship with our fans we had to trust them and if they felt uncomfortable, we had to do something. To me, it felt unfortunate because he was a really good with us and he contributed so much to our success, but at that moment we made a decision to make our fans our priority.
I: Did you all agree with this?
B: Yes. You can't have positive energy between us and the fans if something is wrong. Like Kris said, we didn't know about this and we couldn't check if it's really happening but we had to trust the fans.

I: Are you ever scared that because of your success will change you, make you lose yourself?

About the new song:
B: We just recorded a new single which will be quite different from what we've done so far. AFter a long time we were able to breathe a little bit and play around in the studio, and that's how the new song was made.
Nace: The first 3 women who heard the new song, they cried.
I: Is it a ballad?
B: Errrrr
N: Not really.
Jure: Yes, it is.
K: Initially it was, but we re-arranged it so it's not so much of a ballad.
(Jure says something about Guns'n'roses)
B: It is a 4minute story.
This song was therapy for me. I can say that much.

She asks if B plans to do more acting, he says he hopes to, yes.

Do you think about your influence on young people?
K: Some of our fans have had tatoos done of our drawingsm so I can only begin to imagine the effect of our words and actions on young people.

I: How do you view today's world and society?
They get deep here, I'll let JO subs translate this.

They also talk about ESC and why they made something from it which other SLO peformers in the past didnt.

I: What do you wish for the future, for 2024?
Jure: Wembley 2030!
B: Full of music, creativity, the rest will come on its own.
K: This year we visited a lot of places Europe, in the next year I would like us to at least visit US, I love to travel, I'd love to see the usic scene there.
B: And I wish that Jan is here with us next year!
❤ Hvala!
