Aikamoinen puutarha

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  • Ensimmäinen viesti
Huomasin tuossa livessä että B sanoi muutamaankin kertaan noita sanoja korostetusti niin että lopussa oli k geen sijaan. Just ikään kuin waitink. Yleensähän sillä ei hirveästi aksenttia ole niin ajattelin että tahallista nyt.
Kiinnitin samaan huomiota, mulle monesti tarttuu tuo, jos olen jutellut paljon sellaisen kanssa, joka lausuu nuo g:t.

B:llä kuului slaaviaksetti paljon tässä livessä, esim. h:t tuli slaavilaisittain ja muutakin oli. Ehkä on väsynyt.
Haha sorry, back in the summer there was someone on the other site who sometimes signed their posts as "Linguist"
Oh yes I think I remember but I am not that person. But I know we have at least two translators here (I also used to be one) and there was a discussion on the Finnish vowel harmony recently, so I suspect there are quite many of us linguists here. Were you a linguist yourself as well? :) Perhaps there is something in this ship that attracts us, and therapists too. 😂
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Reactions: LadySLO:)
Oh yes I think I remember but I am not that person. But I know we have at least two translators here (I also used to be one) and there was a discussion on the Finnish vowel harmony recently, so I suspect there are quite many of us linguists here. Were you a linguist yourself as well? :) Perhaps there is something in this ship that attracts us, and therapists too. 😂
Yes, I am and yes, we are. We love analyzing words, things, people, events... everything :)
Oh yes I think I remember but I am not that person. But I know we have at least two translators here (I also used to be one) and there was a discussion on the Finnish vowel harmony recently, so I suspect there are quite many of us linguists here. Were you a linguist yourself as well? :) Perhaps there is something in this ship that attracts us, and therapists too. 😂
And I'm a language teacher but becoming soon a speech therapist. 😁
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Reactions: LadySLO:)
