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Not sure if you noticed, Nace wasn't wearing any shoes. 🤣 I imagine he forgot to pack them. I take that as they had a good break and fell out of their routine. 😃 I can just hear his loud scream in backstage "Oooo f***" when he realized he doesnt't have shoes. 😅

I have to say I really respect JO for wearing these thick leather shoes all summer at their gigs where it was so hot! Not just shoes, also all those long black pants and in many cases, long sleeved shirts as well?!?!! Remember that concert in Croatia (Varaždin, I think) where B wore hot-pink long sleeved silky shirt? It was during a heatwave (over 30C), that was crazy.... My hat is off, really...
Kiitos. Tykkään pitkistä ficceistä, joissa on mukana tarina, mutta kyllähän tämäkin iski ja aika lujaa.
Kiva että iski 😅 Olin yllättynyt ettei kukaan ollut ehtinyt tätä jo tehdä, kun itellä tämä oli eka ajatus mikä tuosta B:n stoorista tuli mieleen 😄

Mutta ahhh, mitä matskua heti aamuun. En tiedä mikä homma Bojanilla on menossa, mutta älä hyvä mies vaan lopeta, mitä ikinä se onkin. 🥵
