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En tiedä astrologiasta hirveästi, mutta kuulin että nyt on venus retrograde. Voiko se vaikuttaa jollain tavalla tähän shippiin?
Kauriin merkille Venus retrograde:
You’re digging deep during this retrograde, Capricorn. In fact, you may be going deeper than what may even feel safe or allowed. As Venus retrogrades through your eighth house of intimacy, secrets, and shared resources, you may find that debts need to be settled and contracts need to be renegotiated. These contracts may be of an emotional or financial nature, possibly even both. As you return to commitments that are still hanging over your head, you’re gaining closure in the deepest possible sense. And as you clear away what has long since expired, you’re creating space for you to merge with something—or someone—new. You’re ready to move on from attachments that have held you back, because the secrets you’re about to share with someone will forge an even more unbreakable trust. Remember—it’s better to have loved once than never to have loved once. It’s better to have risked it all than to live your life having never even played your hand.
En tiedä astrologiasta hirveästi, mutta kuulin että nyt on venus retrograde. Voiko se vaikuttaa jollain tavalla tähän shippiin?
Bojanille (aurinkomerkki kauris) mielenkiintoiset ajat.
"You’re digging deep during this retrograde, Capricorn. In fact, you may be going deeper than what may even feel safe or allowed. As Venus retrogrades through your eighth house of intimacy, secrets, and shared resources, you may find that debts need to be settled and contracts need to be renegotiated. These contracts may be of an emotional or financial nature, possibly even both. As you return to commitments that are still hanging over your head, you’re gaining closure in the deepest possible sense. And as you clear away what has long since expired, you’re creating space for you to merge with something—or someone—new. You’re ready to move on from attachments that have held you back, because the secrets you’re about to share with someone will forge an even more unbreakable trust. Remember—it’s better to have loved once than never to have loved once. It’s better to have risked it all than to live your life having never even played your hand."
Kauris-bojalle ainakin löytyi aika huvittavia/kuumottavia enteitä venus retrograden ajaksi. Yritin postata sitaatin ja linkin, mutta moden haavissa. Englanninkielinen teksti tökkäsi ehkä?
Bojanin elokuu: ...You’re ready to move on from attachments that have held you back, because the secrets you’re about to share with someone will forge an even more unbreakable trust. Remember—it’s better to have loved once than never to have loved once. It’s better to have risked it all than to live your life having never even played your hand.
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Nyt universumi, voisitko yhdistää nämä kaksi kuvaa niin että Janin tilalla on Käärijä? Kiitos, heippa!
Tämmöstä teknistä kuvankäsittelyasiaa voi varmaan kysyä siellä Miken q&assa. Mikke miten yhdistäisit teknisesti kaksi kuvaa, no mulla on tässä ihan nyt esimerkiksi tällaset
Joku pohti edellisellä sivulla, että mitä jos Jere ei olisi mennyt prepartyihin ja BJ olisivat tavanneet vasta viisuviikolla. Mä olen miettinyt sitä, että Cha Cha Cha on hyvin erilainen kuin aiemmat Jeren biisit. Aiemmat ovat samalla muotilla tehty, chachacha on täysin erilainen. Oliko tässä joku universumin voima jo mukana alusta lähtien? Käärijälle sellainen biisi, että erottuu ja voittaa UMK ja kiinnittää B huomion ❤

Bojanille (aurinkomerkki kauris) mielenkiintoiset ajat.
"You’re digging deep during this retrograde, Capricorn. In fact, you may be going deeper than what may even feel safe or allowed. As Venus retrogrades through your eighth house of intimacy, secrets, and shared resources, you may find that debts need to be settled and contracts need to be renegotiated. These contracts may be of an emotional or financial nature, possibly even both. As you return to commitments that are still hanging over your head, you’re gaining closure in the deepest possible sense. And as you clear away what has long since expired, you’re creating space for you to merge with something—or someone—new. You’re ready to move on from attachments that have held you back, because the secrets you’re about to share with someone will forge an even more unbreakable trust. Remember—it’s better to have loved once than never to have loved once. It’s better to have risked it all than to live your life having never even played your hand."
Eikö bändin jäsenistä kolme ole kaurista?
