Oho! En huomannutkaan, että maailmanloppu tuli raamatun ennustuksen mukaan 2.7.2018. Huomasikohan Ekko & co?

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Blood moon
"How can the record of ancient and medieval eclipses yield useful data on a gradual slowing of the earth? Consider clock error. Over a span of 100 years, the clock keeping earth time would lose some 45 seconds compared with the ideal clock, because of the effect of tides on the earth's rotation. What is more, over still longer periods the clock error increases as the square of the elapsed time. For example, 1,000 years ago the expected accumulated clock error due to tides would have been an hour and a quarter, and 2,000 years ago it would have been five hours. Since at least some eclipse records are well over 2,000 years old, if certain facts about the observation can be established, the record can provide significant information on trends in the earth's of rotation."

-Richard Stephenson-
Lintujen silmät on useimmiten pään sivuilla (paitsi pöllöillä), joten ei tarvitse kuin kääntää päätä hieman yläviistoon, jos sitäkään? Kun ne ovat aika ulkonevat.

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