Turkulaiset Juri Nummelin ja Elina Teerijoki ovat koonneet toisen kirjan harvinaisista etunimistä.
*Julkaisemattomia kirjoituksia Jurilta
Juri is a Master of Arts living in Turku, Finland. His thesis had absolutely nothing to do with the private eye world: it dealt with the theme of loneliness in texts of Martin Luther, René Descartes, Daniel Defoe and Xavier de Maistre. But he has been a fan of hard-boiled literature since his early teens, and now devotes his time almost entirely to it. His book Pulpografia (2000) is a bibliography, with commentary, of pulp fiction and paperback writers translated and published in Finland. It features a ton of information about obscure and forgotten writers in the bibliography, as well as such hailed writers as Elmore Leonard and Richard Stark. Juri thinks that two pages of Raymond Chandler wipe out almost everything in the genre, but he thinks there are other great writers; Day Keene, Gil Brewer, Norbert Davis, Ross Macdonald, James Ellroy, Richard Matheson, W.T. Ballard etc. and considers Peter Rabe's "Anatomy of a Killer" a masterpiece. Juri's other interests include cinema (he lectures on it at Tampere University), cooking, architecture and his daughter Ottilia. Juri tries to write some fiction, but doesn't have enough time to concentrate properly.